Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I know I could just google this but who is Grimes and why is she significant other than the fact she is dating Musk?

She’s a musician, kind of electronic pop-ish. Some of her stuff is actually kind of catchy imo. As a part of that she wears all kinds of crazy outfits, and tries hard to channel a punk lolita kind of vibe.

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Grimes made probably some of the best music from a creative/artistic perspective of the last decade. She is also likely completely insane.


If you’re really curious, this is where I’d recommend starting for Grimes music:

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Selling all your possessions means there’s no possessions to seize after they find out it’s all fraud and getting out while everyone’s distracted. He’s an elite thinker on these things.

Grimes was on Sean Carroll’s podcast a little while ago. I didn’t find her insane or anything; just out there, as some artists tend to be. Also naive and gullible about her tech takes, but then again who am I say, I’m not the proud parent of UY Scuti F18 Super Hornet.


the fuck


Elon Musk brand new interview with Joe Rogan released an hour ago.

Is this your way of hating on Grimes? Disappointing if so.

I don’t think she’s at all insane, and her stuff that I know of in the last few years has been pretty basic with sci-fi themes.

“We appreciate power” is such wierd phrasing and is reminiscent of Morrisy singing “we hate it when our friends become successful”, as perhaps revealing something about the artist.

Btw, Elon isn’t a fraud, almost by definition, and the extent to which he got lucky has nothing to do with his dad.

I mean, you understand this song is her praising our future robot overlords so she’ll be spared by them, right?

I only gave it a couple of listens. It’s slightly better in that context but is still odd phrasing as a chorus. Will read the lyrics and listen again. Also, AI dystopia is pretty basic and her insights in the interview with Sean Carroll were largely superficial.

We can also talk about how she claims to have written her Visions album after going over a week without sleep, food or human contact, or the entire album that she wrote and recorded then scrapped because it was too depressing, among other things.

Her music is great, but eccentric would probably be a generous description.

I mean she’s a bit eccentric, but kinda cute upper middle class girl who studied neuroscience at McGill and took a lot of drugs eccentric. Her first couple of albums are some of the better stuff I’m aware of in the last decade, but if SR-71 has real brains they’ll mainly come from Elon.


You’re much freer to take huge risks like rolling the $100 million you got from selling a website into a rocket company when you know you can always steal some emeralds from dad’s safe like the old days.

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As I understand it, his dad wasnt worth seven figures. More importantly, I believe they were estranged before Elon went to college.

His dad invested a little in his first start-up. Not a lot. Elon claims his dad didn’t really own an emerald mine. He does hate his dad.

I meant eight figures, like $1M-10M in wealth.

Also, a little push from pa doesn’t equal 20 years of success. Just look at DJT and sons, or the sons of most wealthy families.

God in heaven there ain’t a rich dude simplicitus won’t simp for.