Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Poison redpill tho

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I’ve been entertaining the theory this morning that there’s actually some kind of strategy behind Elon’s Twitter moves. I don’t exactly believe it, but is it possible that the plan is not just to muck around with Twitter moderation, but to try to build an effectively new social media product off of Twitter’s user base? Twitter is an outlier among social-media companies in that it’s so poorly run that it trades at a huge discount to the value of its brand. If your goal was to somehow reimagine social media (and your budget was more than $50 billion), it would make a lot of sense to start with Twitter rather than try to go from zero. Especially since Elon’s particular aesthetic would limit the scalability of a new product beyond his core fandom.

Again, not sure I buy this over the old man yells at the cloud theory, but even for an eccentric billionaire weirdo, this is pretty crazy behavior.

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Not sure why people are looking for more than Musk is shocked billionaires like him and Trump can’t do literally anything they want and feels like his reason d’être is to fix that massive injustice. Free speech is code for no limits on the ultra rich.

The new reality is that if you’re a fish that remains on a heater long enough the rules of the game change and you just get get your money back at the end of every pot you lose.

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counterpoint, it would make more sense to start a new SM with $1b rather than $40b.

It depends on what you value. If you have lots and lots of money but no social media networks, why not spend a lot of money on a known-popular product rather than trying to create one with a high risk of failure.

Do we think twitter is worth more or less as an unmoderated hellhole? I mean, I guess Facebook shows the economic potential for that, maybe? But it doesn’t have an existing base of addicted boomers, it’s users are mostly educated.

Twitters users use it as information aggregation (news, sports, KPOP). It’s not really a social network, its an RSS feed with comments. I know of very few people who actually use it to engage with other people.

Someones gonna make a better version of that and its gonna disappear. Garbo.

Yeah nobody is engaging with anyone, really. It’s basically a free, super fast news aggregation outlet, as you note. Super helpful and great as shit is happening in real time but borderline useless for actually exchanging ideas with others. What that means for twitter as a business, fuck if I know.

cannibalizing a $40b company’s user base to launch a new social media company? i can think of much better way of setting money on fire.

I saw a documentary about this a while ago.



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I don’t know what’s going on here, but I feel uncomfortable seeing it.


Ben has clearly had some practice drawing Furry porn. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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Imagine labeling musk in that picture.

Here is a better way Ben


How do you service $13 billion of debt with no cash flow?