Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Once you get the Bad Government and it’s Unconstitutional Rules outta the way, everything good will happen. That’s just common sense.

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Remember when “Free Speech” Musky got Twitter to ban the Italian Musk parody account?


We are only like 2 months removed from him trying to buy out the account that tweeted where his private jet went

If he buys twitter you can can just close the republic. It’s over.

Didn’t Bezos buy the Post for like $250 million? Seems like a better approach.

yeah that was a much better use of money to make his way into media

He did that already, he offered the kid $5k and the kid countered with $50k.

turns out @Riverman posts on my company slack

Is Elon real life Succession-ing right now…

This is how Russia’s major media turned into what it is now. The oligarchs bought them up as a gift to Putin.

That’s what I meant, that it had already happened.

Man, this passage:

The late filing netted Musk $156 million, said David Kass, a finance professor at University of Maryland’s business school. “I really don’t know what’s going through his mind. Was he ignorant or knowledgeable that he was violating securities law?” he said. Whoever was handling the trades for Musk should have known, Kass said.

Musk is above security law at this point. They have no ability to punish him, and no stomach.

It was the credulous professor they quoted that I was marveling at. Dude actually believes someone made a mistake.


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That’s going to be a 250k fine buddy!

Without knowing anything about poison pills, though I don’t know if it matters given my point: doesn’t this just give cover to apartheid Clyde to do the pump and dump he was probably going to do anyway?

“Oh I genuinely wanted to buy the company! But after this dastardly poison pill I had no choice but to divest myself of all shares. I can’t help that I made millions.”

Don’t know much about poison pills, except they are designed to make buyouts more difficult and likely come in variety of forms.

Sure, it probably helps a pump and dumb, but I doubt Elon is wasting his efforts on pump and dumps these days. He has enough money and other things to occupy his time. I think he probably wants to buy twitter, but he could just found a competitor if he wanted. (Though that would likely require time and attention he doesn’t have.)

Or he could just buy Gab or Truth Social for like a buck o’ five.