Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

“I don’t love the idea of being shot by a nutcase,” Musk said.


Who in their right mind would accept 5K from Musk to do anything?

If Musk wants it, he’d easily pay you 1 million. It’s basically the same as 5K to him.

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Let them fight.

I’m a narcissist that demands constant attention in the public eye. Please respect my privacy.


“After receiving hundreds of complaints from workers, DFEH found evidence that Tesla’s Fremont factory is a racially segregated workplace where Black workers are subjected to racial slurs and discriminated against in job assignments, discipline, pay, and promotion creating a hostile work environment,” Kevin Kish, the agency’s director, said in a statement.

Not a company run by a African emerald mine heir??? No way!

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Look man, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. It’s not Musk’s fault that all of America’s eggs are people of color.

My experience with the self driving part of a Tesla was pretty terrible. It followed way too close, accelerated and used the brakes too hard, and had trouble following the clearly marked highway I was on. I understand that that’s just how a lot of people want to drive, but if it’s not giving you a smooth ride and minimizing the chance of crashing, then I think it’s missing the point.

not to sound like an Elon stan, but, uh, i distinctly recall growing up in Ohio and having our Ford and Chrysler door handles freeze shut (in the 1980s)…it’s not like this is a new phenomenon.

What is new is the sense of entitlement (by both Tesla owners AND by the person who tweeted this) that their tech should do everything for them.


Why are they banging their handles? Can’t they just get an ice scraper?

Don’t kink shame

lol, okay he does hit on the idea of scraping off the ice but only AFTER tweeting at Elon for help, JFC it’s the saddest cult ever.

Lived in MN my whole life and I don’t remember my door handle ever being frozen shut. I parked my car on the streets in Duluth for years which gets some pretty hellish winter weather. Maybe it’s more common in slightly warmer climates that get more freezing rain than snow?

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Good Lord

So what ever happened to that experiment in Arizona I think where they were going to have self-driving semis on the road unattended? 60 Minutes did a piece on it. Guessing that was all bullshit.

In the series Silicon Valley, Jared gets whisked away by a self-driving car and shipped off to China or whatever. Was that ever actually possible? Like are there any unattended self-driving cars on the streets now?

I always felt like the claims that this was actually happening now must be complete BS. Like it’s actually happening on some set course in one neighborhood that you have trained the cars on or something. But the rest just total flim flam.

Take a ride around Phoenix today.

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Thanks, that’s farther along than I thought.

Reviews seem mixed but if they’re not killing people that’s a good start.

I wonder what makes this easier than Tesla’s self-driving. Better software? Street map memorized? (seems like they should all have that)

So is Tesla just going to buy Waymo and be done with it?

There was definitely a semi-truck company on 60 Minutes that said they were starting driverless tests.

Waymo is part of google (alphabet), but it has recently taken outside funding. The waymo engineers don’t get google stock, they get waymo stock. It benefits from google infrastructure, scale, and expertise. To my eyes it’s far more likely to succeed with FSD than Tesla.
Waymo’s plan is to sell FSD to car makers, not to get into the car business.

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