Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

This Chrome extension shows old legacy verified. Very handy.

does spoutible have checkmarks?

They allowed anyone with a legacy check mark to get one by linking to Twitter - other than that I don’t believe so.

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I think you can get one the way Twitter used to do it, have to verify identity, etc.

But there’s no algorithm driving them to the top of the feed.



Remember when trump got banned from twitter and started posting on new accounts lololololol that was the absolute height of the internet

Time is a flat circle

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He’s just goofing guys, trolling

Hardcore this, Elon.

The agency said in an email that a return to flight for the Starship Super Heavy will require the FAA to decide that “any system, process, or procedure related to the mishap does not affect public safety.”

Because they are still gathering information, the FAA and the Texas regional office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were not able to answer questions yet about any environmental impacts of the Thursday launch. SpaceX did not respond to a request for comment.

However, the FAA told CNBC via e-mail that the explosion activated something called an “anomaly response plan,” which is part of a 2022 Programmatic Environmental Assessment completed by the company along with state and federal agencies, and that SpaceX has additional “environmental mitigations” they must complete before launching again. The plan “was triggered by debris entering adjacent properties,” the FAA noted.

After completing the list of tasks in the plan and mitigations SpaceX will need to ask the FAA to amend their launch license, to gain clearance for another test flight.

The We Got Him moment of the Musk Saga was the threat of specific performance forcing him to buy Twitter at a premium after he tried to back out.

All of the subsequent crashing and burning and self-immolation has just been the cherry on top.

He cared enough about being sued to essentially do what the lawsuit demanded he do.

Seems that the same five or so tweets have been showing up at the top of my feed all day.

At least one explosion too late, but hopefully this accomplishes something - like prevent these stupid Mars launches from happening at all.

I think a reasonable estimate is the explosion will delay launches several months to a year. If the FAA and EPA get tough, maybe longer. If Congress gets involved there is a chance the program is toast.

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If there’s one thing Steve Albini’s known for it’s his unrelenting desire for acknowledgement.

Albini has more WSOP bracelets than Carrel.

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