Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


Heh, get it? 4/20! It’s like the drugs thing :joy::joy::joy:

Le epic troll, wp Elon :+1:t2:


He’s also lighting a giant blunt tomorrow morning. It’s all coming together now.

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Did it slide into a child?


You sure its not a Hitler’s birthday thing?


My “for you” feed has become all right wing garbage, completely unreadable.

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You should probably think about why this is, because it’s not a universal thing.

But you don’t think too hard, because the answer is obviously that you rage-engage with that kind of content, so the algorithm serves you more even you “don’t like it.”


I think it’s pretty hard to figure out why the algorithm does what it does. In my social media I emphatically tell Reddit, YouTube, etc. that I don’t want to see their right wing content and they keep sending it. I think that if you watch any content at all on social, economic, or political issues then the algorithm will eventually send you a Jordan Peterson “tester” hoping to snag you.


For YouTube- I’ve heard various creators mention that down votes are meaningless and that the only effective way to train the algorithm is to watch like 10 seconds and close the video.


It’s like those weight loss bets where the fat guy and skinny guy have to meet at the same weight but in this one it Elon trying to match Truth Social.

Nope. They throw that garbage at basically every male user because when you hook someone it’s a gold mine. I’m not clicking through to any of that garbage. It’s the same reason Jordan Peterson shows up on substantially everyone’s YouTube and tik tok.

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Boomers ITT or something. I watch a lot of youtube because I have no life and get zero RW shit, maybe a jordan peterson video recommended once every 6 months. Its not hard to train your algorithm, don’t fucking click on shit! When I see stuff recommened I don’t want hit the kebab and “not interested”. The end.

Also reddit is not algorithm based its just popularity. If you see subreddits you don’t want just hit unsub, if you’re on r/all hit the filter button. That’s of course assuming you’re using and have the RES chrome extension because if you don’t the site is unusable.


Similar experience here although I don’t use YouTube regularly. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a Jordan Peterson video on my YouTube page. I generally watch content releated to skateboarding, disc golf and other sports, video games, food, drumming and other music stuff. There are a few gun videos on my page right now, that’s about the only mystery item I’m seeing.

  1. Nothing is a gold mine for Twitter, they lose money hand over fist!
  2. All recommendation algorithms throw in tests for all kinds of weird niche stuff because it’s very informative if you get a click. But if you’re seeing wall-to-wall RWNJ stuff, I promise you that it doesn’t have to be this way. None of the top 10 posts in my “For you” feed is RW-coded. Of the next 10, I have one RW post which is a retweet by some conservative ex-Navy guy that I follow. A better life is possible…

Until last winter the names Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh were only vaguely known to me from this website, essentially. Never once saw these dudes in the wild until Musk bought Twitter. Still don’t see that stuff on Youtube.

I feel like not using twitter is a better choice than tip toeing around your usage of it so you aren’t inundated by nazi/fascist shit.


Seems not great.

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I wonder how much of that is attributable to Musk wanting the launch date to have been 4/20 even if the engineers weren’t ready.


Literally a succession plotline.