Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Elon took over long time ago and Twitter seems the same. I hate this timeline

I just imagine Elon’s inner circle at Twitter all despising him and having to feign respect etc, except for one guy who genuinely thinks he is the funniest man alive.


Gonna be the most based, hardcore, memeing town ever.

Feudalism, the logical conclusion of all of this amazing capitalism


Gee I wonder how that’s worked out in the past

Coming soon to Texas


Pottersville looked pretty freaking fun actually.

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I just don’t know what to say. Elon is eleven years old.

55% chance he names it Schitt’s Creek.

Until you had to go to movie Fred Trump and beg him to fix your pipes so you could have running water to shower off after visiting the strip club that was once a small family run loan office.

Elon was on Tucker last night. Rupar has clips. Did anyone watch it? I can’t make myself do it.

He accused Zuck of spending $400 million supporting Democrats in the one clip I saw, based on “his understanding” whatever the hell that means.

If news organizations aren’t on Twitter than what’s the point?

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Racism and bigotry. Maybe a pinch of insurrection.

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That’s what I don’t think Elon gets. Elon thinks that he can make everyone as important as news organizations by diminishing news organizations. He is wrong.

how long before ABC is “for-profit news” or whatever