Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


I remember his poll where he asked if he should resign as Twitter CEO. Here’s what he says now, what a rascal!


This guy is for sure the worst business man of all time. It’s like suburu making an ad about hating lesbians.


I bet he doesn’t even have a dog.


After buying Twitter for $US44 billion ($A65 billion) last year, Mr Musk’s changes included eliminating the company’s communications department.

Reporters who email the company to seek comment now receive an auto-reply with a poo emoji.

The classic comedy is non-stop, folks.

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Might as well appointment a horse to the Senate


The man is over 50 years old

At this point one has to wonder if he has an undiagnosed brain tumour.


He has a dog. It’s a tiny little thing that was running around everywhere when he gave the Everyday Astronaut a tour of the SpaceX Boca Chica facility. I am sure that all the operators of the heavy machinery must have just loved that.

No you’re wrong. He’s a brilliant businessman. You’re just saying he’s bad because you don’t like him. You wouldn’t have liked Henry Ford either, smart guy!!!


Sadly, even Dwight was more mature than to constantly do freshman sex jokes


Elon appears to eat plenty. Not hardcore.


Recent evidence about Musk’s business acumen:

  1. He got in a spat with NPR.
  2. The EPA proposed regulations that would earmark two-thirds of the US auto market for EVs, a product category that Tesla currently dominates.

The inside track on a trillion dollars in annual revenue vs Kai Rysdaal being mad at you. Worst businessman of all time.


In which Matt Taibbi transforms into a corn cob:

I actually liked Musk. His distaste for the blue-check thought police who’d spent more than a half-year working themselves into hysterics at the thought of him buying Twitter — which had become the private playground of entitled mainstream journalists — appeared rooted in more than just personal animus.

Did it.

With critics this obnoxious, even a step in the direction of free speech values would likely win back audiences that saw the platform as a humorless garrison of authoritarian attitudes.

Oh yeah dude, the Silent Majority who are fully committed to the abstract principle of free speech.

About two weeks into the #TwitterFiles project, the company suspended the accounts of CNN’s Donnie O’Sullivan, Ryan Mac of the New York Times , VOA’s Steve Herman, and a few other social media personalities like Aaron Rupar, reportedly for sharing information about the movement of Elon Musk’s private jet.

My phone instantly blew up with wisecracks. “I must have missed John Stuart Mill’s ‘private jet exception’ passage in On Liberty ,” texted one ball-busting friend. After about six ringtones I rolled my eyes, popped an Advil, and turned my phone off, knowing what was coming. The suspensions, even if quickly reversed, were sure to ignite nuclear levels of pearl-clutching and self-pity among the same censorious power-worshipping media jerks who a few months before were howling about Musk because they thought he was for free speech.

Is it possible that almost nobody is actually “for” or “against” free speech on Twitter and that which of those they claim to be is actually just a function of whether the right people are being censored? Crazy idea.

I thought the outcry — coming from people who never said a word across years of suppression… was a bad-faith trap. These people didn’t care about the issue at all, except in a self-interested way

Boy, imagine that.

Then we get to the bit where Musk declares war on Substack:

As many unfortunately know now, my next move was to ask Elon what was going on. He didn’t answer right away, which is fine, the man is busy, but the math on this was pretty simple. Whatever was going on between Twitter and Substack had nothing to do with me or with other Substack writers, and if Twitter was going to label our work unsafe and not allow us to share my articles, I couldn’t endorse all this by using the platform, and said so. This prompted a quick ping! and a furious Signal question: “So you want Substack to kill Twitter?”


Taibbi then got blanket search banned, had his PMs posted and was unfollowed by Musk.

…we still have a lot of material, and more reports are coming. Holding up my end of the deal, these will appear on Twitter first. They just won’t be on my account, since I wouldn’t wipe my ass with Twitter after the events of last week.

He’s not mad, though:

I mean this sincerely: I’ve got nothing against Elon Musk.

If I were you I’d be mad that I got thoroughly played, but OK.


Elon gives a bad name to anal stage.

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Poe’s Law