Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I mean the BBC is 100% state affiliated media. They’re just a bit more subtle about it than China or Russia.

Maybe. How obvious is it that US and UK media is propaganda to Chinese and Russian people? How obvious is it to Russians that their domestic-facing media is propaganda?

NPR is nearly completely self funded and completely independent editorially. Calling it state affiliated media and grouped with RT and whatnot is fucking dumb


NPR has long been in the pocket of Big Wobegon


The thing I know about NPR is that it used to be nearly completely state funded but then they did a lot of hard hitting reporting on Nixon and then Republicans defunded it


public opinion polling in russia (not independent) get ~10% response rates, of which 50-60% supported the war before mobilization (it is lower now). the tv/online propaganda also regularly publicizes charges against people who post “No to war!” on their social media, or come out with a sign that says that.

public opinion polling of only russians who live outside of russia is hard, but it is still sampled as part of the population, and response rates are normal. my personal anecdotal evidence is that 80+% are against the war, which should include even some far-right leaning or trmpism-adjacent expats.

so yeah, i think when it comes down to it, they recognize propaganda, but don’t reveal their disagreement unless it is safe to do so.

wait until they find out about the Military Times.

That’s a lower funding by the federal government than Tesla.




Still on Instagram at least

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Good luck unseeing it


Can IG just start allowing 144 character tweets and have everyone move over there?

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NPR’s biggest source of funding is corporate sponsors. It’s just another commercial network, but the commercials are a little different.


Yes this, and the “ads” are way less annoying. However, the station cannot be played during a fund drive. The local hacks (who, let’s face it, are mostly there because they couldn’t land a job in local news,). can barely function in normal times, when they’re suddenly transformed into panhandlers it’s the cringiest stuff imaginable :man_facepalming:

I live in a major metro market and both my morning and afternoon drive time NPR people can barely talk. They stumble over words and stuff all the time. The morning lady is just soooo bad. And she’s been there like five years already!

But I guess that’s not really “NPR”

As terrible as NPR is it’s ten times better than almost any other commercial media.


Pretty surprised anybody here is still listening to terrestrial radio, and I am also an old.


I usually don’t. Democracy Now! does the headline news on YT as well as the radio weekdays.