Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


This whole exposing the algorithm is going to make twitter an even bigger cesspool as people game the system to push their scams and schemes. Transparency is not always ideal.

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I have had no such problems using a browser.

Wow I did not know Elon’s degrees were from Penn. lol at that school. They must inject the students with some virus there.

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Yeah Twitter is unusable for me, ads every 4th post, etc. after they killed my third party app. Won’t ever use again.

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Looking through it


Drop in the bucket compared to the human refuse that comes out of Stanford

Wharton to McKinsey to deplorable. Quite the pipeline.

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High-engagement verified users write Twitter’s content for them. The correct analogy would be the NY Times wanting to charge op-ed writers a subscription fee to write pieces for them. This is something I am in favour of for many of their writers but seems unlikely to happen.

I tend to think Twitter is close to impossible to kill but Elon is giving it a determined go, so we will see.


I guess too many people are blocking the paid subscribers, so the obvious solution is to allow them to blend in with the actual verified legacy accounts!

What could possibly go wrong!

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Third party apps can tell the paid ones from legacies still.

I thought they were all broken now. Mine is anyways, and what I read said they soon will be if they aren’t already.

Yeah seems like they’ll all break relatively soon but at least for now my Eight Dollar Chrome plugin still works and this app still works

Should be interesting to see if Elon sticks with the plan with 99% of legacy checks (including himself) don’t pay up.


Some transparency is OK if paired with a firm justified stance. It’s always a give and take between transparency and people attempting to game the algorithm though.

Eight Dollars still seems to work.

thanks, control panel makes it bearable to read now. Though I don’t have a mobile solution yet.

This sounds fun, other than I realize it would also hemorrhage money.


What’s his age again?



Why’d he gotta do blink like than man