Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

(It’s not worth $20 billion)


If we all chip in $8 a month for Twitter Blue, we can help Elon make the company worth $20 billion. It’s the least we can do to show our appreciation, even if it means pinto beans for dinner every night.

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Elon: open invitation, I will teach you how to post for $5,000,000. I have multiple 30+ heart posts on UP and am considered mildly amusing by upwards of five (5) people. It will be an intensive 1 week course and I guarantee you will see major improvements.


Elon would be a better poster if all he did was post attempted thirst trap selfies.

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I appreciate the joke, but it is seriously perplexing that he dosen’t do thijust s! I am sure whoever dril is would ghost write his account for a fraction of that. Writers are cheap!

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Or just use that ChatGPT Deal. It couldn’t be worse than him!

I don’t think his ego would allow for a ghost writer or even the thought that anyone might be better than him at posting.

Can someone explain that picture to me? I don’t get it.

Kong’s penis through the window of the skyscraper.

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More like King Dong


Now I see it. Rip roaring funny.

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Meme made me chuckle. Elon’s tweet was awful. He comes off blank. Idk how to describe it.

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Cool, so now I can completely ignore that tab instead of mostly ignoring it but sometimes taking a peek to see if Twitter found something interesting



i normally swap to the “for you” tab when im super bored. guess i will have to find something else to do.



Get ready for a constant stream of polls from Musk that only his acolytes can vote on. Every day will be Russian election day.

Given the trajectory of AI, I’m not sure he is wrong about this. That said, there is obviously no reason verification should have to cost anything.