Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I would like to see a movie based on a Stephen king story to then be novelized by Stephen king.

Double the small town tropes?

I considered posting a rant awhile back about how I hate Stephen King even though I’ve never read any of his books but thought better of it.


Read “The Stand”. Ain’t nobody don’t like the stand.

Well, the film adaptation was going to be one of my data points for “takes top-notch, simple, horror premise and turns it into some shit about immortal beings, thousand year old curses and idk what else I stopped paying attention an hour ago, and now anybody else who tries that premise will be a big loser Stephen King copycat”.

I’m a simple man when it comes to movies.

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The Stand, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Christine, The Shining and that is just the first 5 I immediately think off. Must admit I own almost all his books including a signed first edition.

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Same reason Interview with the Vampire is superior as a movie. The books are just vampires having endless emotional orgasms from describing the beauty of ink drying on the page


Read the first one, wholly agree.

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Shutter Island is a good example of a movie that’s basically equal as a book and movie. Denny LeHane GOAT who also wrote Mystic River.

I forgot about the outtakes. I think he was right. Those final moments as the credits come up will make you walk out of the theater in an existential epiphany.

Then the outtakes start and you’re left feeling like maybe this was supposed to be a joke and you took it too seriously.

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I haven’t read Stephen King books (I know, I know, major leak…but my wife loves them), but I find it interesting that the ones that make the best movies are the dramas, while a high percentage of the horror movies stink.

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Also, To Kill a Mockingbird is equally awesome in book and movie form.


Lol Rockefeller lived to 97

Although maybe he could have benefitted from some modern skincare products. Here he is at age 83.


He lived 14 years after that?



Pretty sure that is a dall-e creation for the prompt “Groot as a real life human from the year 1930”


Maybe he just ate a lemon.


Hate to see an icon get hacked. Maybe next time pay for Verification!! Oh wait he did

Whoops the hackers already updated it again


His DMs are open.

Had to finally mute Lalas for endorsing DeSantis. Poor guy Red, White and Denim.

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