Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Everyone can also see that he’s an incompetent buffoon. But you can’t, because you think you can’t be successful without skill.

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Motherfuckers ITT never seem Being There

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I haven’t seen it. But I did read it.

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Imagine giving a solitary fuck about how “good at business” any of these billionaire dipshits are. Not really sure if the dude who claws his way to a billion is more or less repugnant than some guy who just inherited it.

Are “good at business” and “good at making money” the same thing?

I could be wrong, but the impression I have of Bezos is that he had a pretty good idea of the long-term (evil) plan when people considered Amazon to be just an online bookstore.

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Vladimir Putin is objectively better at business than any of these clowns. What’s the point here?


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I dunno, I think you have a lot more trouble with the idea that someone can be cruel, petty, vindictive and buffoonish while being intelligent and skilled than I have with the idea that someone could achieve success without those things.

Pretty sure everyone here believes someone intelligent and skilled can be cruel, petty, and vindictive and it’s the buffoonery that gives them pause about believing Musk is actually a genius.

I am sure there are posters here who used Musk’s past behavior to correctly predict how Musk would run Twitter and what the results would look like. Do you believe someone could assess Musk’s skills correctly and use that to foresee the current situation?


stanning hard for the Q shaman is perfect musk… musk would 100% BE the Q shaman in a different life.


The fact that a bunch of poker players cannot comprehend how something can be way more about accidents of time and place we have no control over, is at once expected and baffling.

Everything Musk “did” was entirely dependent on people’s interpretation of his words turning into their actions. Their interpretations are more important than his words. They were primed to interpret the words of anybody who would have come along, and to interpret them in ways shaped by the futurism trends of the time. They chose to interpret his words instead of other people’s words, due to accidents of time and place that he has no control over. Those did build on each other as time went on, sure. And made people more apt to listen to him just because they’d listened before. But a million different idiots ready to DISRUPT could have stood in for Musk and nobody would have noticed.

Read accounts of what happened at Paypal and try your best to spin that as anything other than people realizing he had no clothes and therefore paying him to get the fuck away from them.

Then governments are like “hey this dumbass seems visionary. Let’s fund his corporations that anybody else could run, in lieu of funding things like NASA.”

I think part of the problem is y’all are thinking sample sizes here are big, because you’re not really grasping what the samples are. The sample sizes are tiny.


Musk prostates himself before MAGA and this is what he gets back.


That’s what he may be saying, but the real bet–whether he knows it or not-- is that people will want to participate in the Metaverse because technology will eventually advance far enough for it to facilitate sexual behavior that some will find preferable to real world activity, if only for the convenience of not leaving home.

Lol he’s investing billions on the chance that he can be the cartoon or vr equivalent of onlyfans ?

That’s way dumber than the cartoon avatar thing for a lot of reasons

Metaverse isn’t about sex, shit looks like wii sports

Being There is Sellers’ best film straight up I include Dr Strangelove in that assessment :+1:


Watch it asap imo

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Why? Is it better than reading the actual story. If so, how? Seems hard to believe.

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Mostly for Peter Sellers brilliant performance tbh

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Movie being better than the book is pretty rare.

Maybe I’ll give it a watch sometime. It’s hard to get motivated when you already know what’s going to happen.