Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

bezos got kirk, i feel like musk should probably get sully and janeway.

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Austin is going to turn into such a shithole with all these tech bros running around. I wonder how many of them have lived through anything like an Austin summer.

I guess they’ll let people live wherever they want and the execs will all spend the summers in Palo Alto but use Austin for tax purposes.

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Yeah, there will be a lot of this. The noise about Future Of Work like it’s some big revolution is, undoubtedly, going to actually follow the established K-Shaped outcome model that defines all change in the US. The richest people will use it to have even better lives working in various locations around the country, the lower down staff will get pressured (formally or informally) to get their asses back to the office to justify the existence of their middle managers.

Most rare mineral mine owners are middle class no?

ah, the art of the subtle “fuck you”



Never mind that every Western country other than the US is already pouring $billions into the same problem. Daddy Musk and his $100M will save us!

Exactly. A tree is literally a solar powered, water fueled, carbon sequestration machine. And the best part is it spits out that carbon in a super useful form that you can use to say make furniture. But hero musk is going to piss all his meme money up the wall to the theranos of carbon capture. Or he would if he ever followed through even once on any of his moronic “promises”.

Do you think the regular people of the middle ages had any idea what fucked up inbred dipshits the Hapsburgs were? Being ruled by freakshow rejects is one thing but we have to suffer the additional indignity of knowing just how stupid, insane and evil our overlords are and still not being able to do anything about it.


Gavrilo Princip disagrees.

Yeah? How did that one work out?

The Habsburgs don’t rule anything anymore, so it worked out fine in the end.

This is self-parody. Like, trees exist and we still have a global warming problem. Trees aren’t cutting it.

Sure, Jan:

That is a really generous description of Elon’s tweet.

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I guess the question is how many trees do we need vs how many theoretical carbon capture machines would we need.

You can literally just bury the wood or use it to make things. You don’t have to find specific, super-deep rock formations to pump it in to or anything

Yes, I’m familiar with trees and wood. I believe the idea is to invent something that captures carbon better than trees. If the plan was to invent something that doesn’t work as well as trees instead of using trees, I agree that would be a pointless idea.

there’s little doubt that to suck co2 out of the atmosphere efficiently we will need lots of new trees and aquatic plants. there’s no machine to do the same thing in the way we think of machines. at 400ppm it would have to pass through 2000x volume of atmosphere through the machine to extract 1 volume of co2. not to mention that as machine presumably works well and eventually reduces co2 to 200ppm, it will have to pass 5000x of the volume of atmosphere to extract the same amount. and that assumes with perfect efficiency in the rest of the chemical/physical capture process.

trees are more efficient because they create lots of surface area for photosynthesis to interact with the atmosphere. the higher the surface area, the more co2 gets sequestered. they are also much cheaper to scale than building machine.

iow, lolSpaceKaren