Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Assessment: Bad for the environment.

Grimes and Elon having a normal one.

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Elon’s response to this tweet.

are you sure about that? the faster they shoot musk and bezos to mars, the better it is for the environment.


Good selection from Elon’s book club.

With closures of S.H. 4 and Boca Chica Beach becoming more frequent due to activity at SpaceX’s “Starbase” production complex and launch/test site, Cameron County officials are mulling ways to restore access to at least part of the beach even during closures.

Sounds like a problem. What could be the solution?

One possible solution would entail digging a tunnel from the south end of South Padre Island to a point on the north end of Boca Chica Beach, an idea proposed by the Boring Company, owned by SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk.

This is the current situation:

Tunnels would speed things up.

I like how we’ve reached a point where the smallest intrusion upon private property is compensable while the wholesale rendering of public property unusable is not just tolerated but rewarded


amazing, talk about vertically integrated problem solving

Why the hell would anyone want to go from south Padre to boca chica? We’ll I guess spaceX employees

Is this the worst most pathetic “article” of all time?

But for real, didn’t he just win some sort of genetic lottery, instead? Right place, right time?

People want to believe that, but here’s the thing: Musk has a huge IQ. He is measurably, scientifically, clinically and demonstrably the smartest person in any room anywhere.

Counterpoint: no he isn’t

He can tell you the square root of your Amex card number at a glance.

No he can’t

He can tell you, I don’t know – the square root of zinc.


He’s a perfect storm who comes from about as middle class a family as was possible in the late 20th century

Just lol.

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About halfway between boron and carbon.


How are Elon’s igon values?

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As middle class as possible


If they were TRULY rich they could have afforded a bigger safe. Alas, they had to live with a small safe and in all likelihood would have been destitute if they lived in Manhattan. It’s a rags to riches story, really.


Aww but they seemed so functional and non performative. Glad that the brought a child into the world first. That kid is gonna be totally well adjusted. Don’t forsee any future concerns when the failson’s failson with the weird name and the child bride mother inherits all the money in the world.

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I love to LOL at Musk, but I’m not sure he qualifies as a “failson”. If he does, I’ve been using that word all wrong.


Failson can be tricky business. Even if you’re very stupid, if you start with enough money you can fail your way up because even your own stupidity is not enough to hold back the natural tendency of capital to grow. Donnie Dumb Dumb is a good example of this. Musk probably is not.

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Grimes is 33!!

EDIT: She’s the same age as Sarah Jessica Parker when Sex and the City debuted!!!

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