Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Why would you be in the passing lane if you weren’t passing?

I was passing, middle lane was going 140ish, so at 150-160 I’m passing and checking out my rear view to see if I should gun it to 170 to pass quickly and get out of the way.

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Yeah I’ll defend Boston’s honor here too

  1. Don’t drive in Boston
  2. If you do, it’s really not that bad in the GPS era. It’s more confusing than dangerous, and the confusing part really isn’t a big deal anymore with GPS if you don’t panic
  3. The quality of driver is 100% better than someplace like Houston or LA
  4. It’s like impossible to go fast, so it really isn’t ever dangerous
  5. Don’t drive in Boston
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I’ve never bought into the idea that drivers in [City or State X] are worse than those in [City or State Y]. On the whole, drivers everywhere are fine. And everywhere has drivers that are terrible.

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Having grown up driving in Ohio, I was shocked at the difference in average freeway speed + density of traffic when I moved to SoCal. The puny Honda Civic I bought was NOT the right car choice for that driving environment.

Anyone experience the Minnesota drivers that are oblivious that anyone else is on the road? Except when trying to merge, where everyone jams on the breaks regardless of the situation.

I’m going to throw orlando in the mix for most dangerous. if you’ve ever driven I-4 around Orlando it feels like fucking thunderdome.

I went to school near the border of Missouri and Iowa. Iowa drivers definitely had a reputation for puttering along in an oblivious fog.

100% correct except 4.

Been awhile since I’ve been on a long road trip, but 25 years ago the most rage inducing states to drive in were Oregon and Arizona. Oregon drivers would go 10 under until you try to pass, then as fast as they need to keep you behind them. I had to do 105 in a 45 to get by one of those pricks on my way back from Cannon Beach in 1998. Same time period for my AZ complaint, but they would all tailgate so bad I started cheering accident scenes and rooting for injuries. I have noticed more aggressive drivers around here post covid, but nothing as rage inducing as what I experienced 25 years ago.

Eta-driving around Victoria, BC was a pleasure. Don’t recall a single rude driver while I was there.

Iowa is just South Minnesota.

People not using cruise control on non-crowded highways makes my blood boil. They all speed up when you try to pass them and slow down after. It’s heinous.


I used to think this, then I drove on Long Island

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In Mexico people put on their left blinker to let you know it’s safe to pass, then pull over and slow down as you pass.

This is some weird US thing where it’s like you’re challenging someone’s honor if you try to pass them.

Narrow roads. Be nice or die. I read a book by some economist who claimed the way to cut down on accidents was to put spikes in the center of steering wheels.


So people are just morons


Law uses the “reasonable person” standard, but ‘moron in a hurry’ is probably preferable for engineering.

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Everyone thinks a 20 mph curve means you can actually take it at 40 mph, and often you actually can.

People also always drive ludicrously fast when they’ve been on the freeway for a while and are shunted onto a road without having to come to a complete stop. They’re used to the speed and don’t adjust.