Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I like how lots of replies to the video are “I take that exit all the time, no problem,” and “It’s not a problem if people just pay attention.”

Well, dicks, there’s clearly something wrong with that exit if there are wild, high speed crashes on the regular. Yeah, pay attention, obviously, but that shit doesn’t happen at other exits (I would assume, maybe Seattle is just a demolition derby).

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I’m trying to figure out what the hell is leading up to this stretch of road that has all these cars scraping against that left wall. Is this coming out of a sharply curved ramp that’s marked as 15MPH but everybody thinks they can take it at 55 or something?

It looks to me like the lanes aren’t properly marked and the far left lane just becomes a brick wall eventually.

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It’s an offramp from I-5 in a tunnel, so you can’t see that there’s an immediate stop at the intersection there until you’ve rounded the bend. There’s lots of signage to tell you to slow down in the tunnel, but of course some people don’t heed that.


Any effort to reign in cops is really an effort to decriminalize crime and people should get jerbs and properly maintain their vehicles…according to the comments anyway.

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I thought the same thing but there’s a Google Street view link in the comments. It’s just an unusually sharp turn in a tunnel followed by a stop light. I’m sure the turn itself is dangerous enough at speed but I assume most of the crashes come from panic braking when seeing the light mid-turn already at the car’s limit. Either way it seems like some rumble strips would be an easy fix.



Those signs are for soy boy cowards, not Real Men.

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Yeah some people can’t seem to grasp the concept that you design for the worst drivers, not the best.

I think Miami probably takes the cake as far as crazy driving is concerned. It has an unholy mix of tourists/immigrants, young reckless assholes, and people that are both too old to be operating a car and too wealthy to give a fuck about anything. And they are all jammed onto the highway.


doesn’t help that the roads in Miami are fucked up with exits every 200 metres and signs that don’t tell you where to go.

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Boston WOAT

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Finally, a place to post this clip …


I learned to drive and cut my teeth on the roads and highways of Boston. At least there you generally know what to expect - everyone is acting in their own interests, and they want you to die. In LA, as @ViridianDreams describes Miami above, you certainly have your homicidal maniacs, but you also have a ton of people who literally don’t know how to drive or are paralyzed by fear or the unfamiliarity of their surroundings. It’s quite a gumbo.


So two reasons not to then

Hot take here ==> Fuck all this talk about lowering speed limits. I don’t have time for driving that slow.


Yeah, that’s a great point, too.