Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Top photo guy thought trading the van for mini-bike straight up totally redeemed him tho.

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From the Matt Levine newsletter

Attorneys for Tesla and Elon Musk are asking a federal judge in San Francisco to move, or delay, a forthcoming trial from Northern California to Western Texas, saying they won’t be able to find unbiased jurors and citing “local negativity” toward Musk

“A substantial portion of the jury pool in this District is likely to hold a personal and material bias against Mr. Musk as a result of recent layoffs at one of his companies as individual prospective jurors—or their friends and relatives—may have been personally impacted. The existing baseline bias has been compounded, expanded, and reinforced by the negative and inflammatory local publicity surrounding the events.”

I don’t know, man. This makes me more sympathetic to the medieval system. If you get sued in California, it seems a little wrong to argue “no, I can’t be sued in California, everyone in California hates me and has had negative experiences with me, so no one in the whole state can fairly judge me.”


“I can’t get a fair trial because I’m such a gigantic asshole that everyone hates me!” is actually a very natural and fitting conclusion given how the US treats rich white people. Poor black people get accused of crimes they didn’t commit and get a jury of virulent racists (see To Kill A Mockingbird"). Rich white people commit crimes in the open and brag about it in public and aw shucks, we don’t have the resources to pursue such a high profile case, nevertheless.



Except we live in a rare time where this actually isn’t true. Almost nothing the gop says is true.

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Looks like they killed ability to use third party clients. seinfeldimout.gif

I’m not so sure of that.


Ken keeps complaining, but every time (3rd time now) he cries wolf I type his name into the search and his account is the first result. :man_shrugging:

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Elon is, as usual, playing 4D chess. Make Twitter so buggy and unreliable you can never know for sure whether you are being denied your frozen peaches or the service is just shitty.


How can nobody on the right understand what free speech means in the US? It’s so fucking annoying.

It seems to be fixed now.

I did search his name earlier this week when the story first broke and his account did not come up in the search results.

Hilarious how petty Elon is. What an emotional baby.

This seems like pretty bearish news:


Fair enough. I don’t know if it matters but I strictly use Twitter in a browser (no apps) and recall previous incidents when app users were having problems but things seemed to cruise along for me. Also, I could just be searching when things are fixed each time (probably Occam’s razor tbh).

They don’t want to.

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Those price cuts are massive. This tanks used Tesla values instantly.

Model 3 Performance and base Model Ys just became a pretty good deal, with the federal 7500$, if I wasn’t so soured on the brand.

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Ford, like many other auto makers, has mined Tesla’s ranks for talent. Alan Clarke, who spent roughly a dozen years at Tesla, defected to Ford in early 2022 to engineer elements of the Detroit company’s forthcoming EVs.

“Hollywood doesn’t make movies about winning teams dominating. They make movies about teams that are behind and then come back with a miracle,” Mr. Clarke said of his rationale for joining Ford.

Guy should get a medal for business soundbites.

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alwayshasbeen.jpg .

Seriously though, so much of Tesla’s hype was based around this idea that they were going to upend the auto industry with some silicon valley tech bro innovations. There was this belief that legacy automakers were these inefficient lumbering giants stuck to their old ways and unwilling to change, and Tesla was going to bury them. Tesla was just going to come in and build these fancy electric cars that would be cheaper, higher quality, and have a better user experience.

At the end of the day Tesla is a fine car company. They do some things well, and others not so well. But they aren’t going to shakeup the industry in any significant way, and that was largely what their overinflated stock price was based on. They have taken some market share the way brands like Kia and Hyundai did in the 90s. They’ve built brand loyalty which is important. But at the end of the day this is a very price and reliability driven industry.