Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I was told that “just come to a stop if you’re not sure what to do” was a workable solution for edge cases.

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Yeah I’m sure the Elon slappies are all into blaming the other drivers for this. Which is true. But it’s also ignoring reality that this will happen all the time as long as humans are driving.

This pile-up is more the fault of the other drivers than the Tesla. They should all have been able to come to a full stop before crashing into the car in front of them.

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How is this company not being sued into oblivion.

Half the idiots I see on the road are speeding, following too closely, AND have their head buried in their phone. Absolutely multiple drivers at fault here.

But also fuck the driver of the Tesla for being an idiot and not taking control of their car.

Anecdotally, I’m coming up one one year and 13k miles of owning a Tesla. A couple thousand of those miles being controlled access highway autopilot. Have had exactly zero issues. I pretty much completely trust the autopilot to drive more safely than 99% of people on the road, but I’m also always ready to take over if the need arises. FSD is not ready for the real world, but I’d trust the standard autopilot over a randomly selected driver any day of the week. Given the option between a highway filled with human drivers, and one filled with Tesla autopilot with competent humans in the drivers seat, I’m choosing the second easily.


Looking into it


The AP features are starting to become somewhat common in newer cars (my wife just got a Subaru and we’re excited for a road trip we usually dislike driving just because of the lane-keep assist and adaptive cruise control), I think those will end up becoming fairly standardized long before anyone’s able to make an actually self driving car.


lmaoooo @BestOf

it’s not right wing culture war bullshit, so he’s explicitly NOT looking into this lol i hope his shareholders have him arrested


If the car in front of you slams on their brakes with nothing in front of them you aren’t really anticipating that.
Also, I think it changed lanes and then braked which is even worse.

My daughter just got her license last week and I just keep reminding her of all these issues. She’s going to get really annoyed with me.


Just keep pounding it into her head please. Its legitimately terrifying how many people I see driving while texting or looking at their phone. 70 mph in a 2 ton machine and they look at their lap for long stretches of time. Scary shit.


Its great. Long journeys are completely different now. Much less tiring and stressful.


Pileups like this of course never happen when non self driving cars break down and stop in tunnels. The first 2 cars stopped in time and then the too close driving idiots piled in.


Go stop on the freeway a bunch of times and report back whose fault it was when you get rear-ended.

Yes we’ve now established that drivers should follow at a safe distance, and sometimes humans stop on the freeway as well. No arguments here on either of those.

However, the point is that if a driver randomly stops in a tunnel and causes a pile up, at least they only have themselves to blame.

If your car comes to a stop because it gets confused, and you’re yelling at it not to stop, that’s a different problem that people aren’t going to be happy about. And if truly driverless cars start doing this a lot, other drivers also won’t be happy about it.

The whole point was that coming to a stop isn’t always an optimal way out when the car gets confused for some reason. As we possibly saw here, and as multiple articles I’ve posted have talked about. It isn’t insurmountable, but it’s one of the things that makes driverless technology such a hard problem.

We have no idea what happened. Fact is that if the 10 cars behind it were FSD there would be no pileup

Everyone drives 80mph bumper to bumper in LA, and SF where this happened isn’t much better. No one follows at a safe enough distance. If you do, everyone just jumps in front of you, causing you to keep slowing down if you want to keep a truly safe distance.

Basically everyone just lives with the fact that if someone slams on their brakes there’s going to be a massive wreck.

I wouldn’t say it’s a wreck every time in LA if you come to a stop in the left lane like this car did. But it’s some significant percentage of the time. This is why cops do the weaving thing and slow people down very gradually when they need to stop traffic.

Interestingly it looks like that car also changed lanes into the left lane and had it’s blinker on, then basically cut another car off. That’s probably worse than just coming to stop in the 3rd lane when there’s no shoulder. At at least the in your own lane are watching you. Might have been driver doing it.

Sections of freeway like this with no shoulder on each side are truly dangerous places. LA has so many of them, often with blind turns. That should be the last frontier for driverless cars.

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