Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

He is obviously regularly manic and probably bipolar, plus the narcissism.

Seems like Elon has a case of the Kanyitis


Telsa and SpaceX’s business models are interesting and good imo. While I’m not an expert on their business model, and just repeating what I’ve heard… but basically they make nearly everything they use parts wise which is not true for either space or car manufacturers. Basically the entry cost to these fields is so tremendously high that you would literally need to be a emerald mine inherentee with gobs of venture capitalists on your nuts to begin to think about creating a car or rocket company. Both of these fields most important asset are patent IPs so its quite reasonable to think it will take some time for these to turn a profit.

Whether that will pan out or not in the long term for SpaceX or Tesla is obviously speculation, but if correct then clearly it would be a pretty rewarding bet. Both are probably +EV without any examination of their financials, where they are today at a short term perspective or looking at how many patents they actually have. Basically the worst case is they never have a successful commercial product but sell off to someone else who who can fire a lot of their subcontractors and use the patents. Telsa merging with GM, Ford or similar in the next 10 years seems very likely and would be more of a merger than a buyout imo.

No I don’t own any of their stock or a Telsa, I don’t really care for Elon, yes his demands of workers working 80 hours ‘to be apart of something great’ is super scummy, and yes I’m jelly he’s knocked up Grimes. So literally no bias at all.

Doesn’t Tesla buy the battery from one of the big electronic companies? That’s like the most important part of the car and they aren’t making it. I also doubt they make any of the fasteners but have done zero research on it


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One of the better threads on 2+2 bfi is a TSLA thread that’s been ongoing since 2013. It’s mostly bears, with a few fanbois.

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Panasonic does. I think Tesla will say it’s a collaboration, but Panasonic’s doing the heavy lifting.

Yeah, it’s a collaboration. The battery they use is actually thousands of little panasonic batteries like the size of a double-A that they assemble. I don’t know if they import all the little batteries and just do the assembling at the Gigafactory or if they make the little batteries too.

The Gigafactory is hugely important though. Like, solar didn’t go from $4/watt to $0.40/watt over the last 10 years because of some major improvement in the technology of a solar cell. It did it because of the technology and scale of producing and assembling solar panels.


That truth sayer guy was right about everything

For me the Musk is a necessary evil as long as western democracies dont put up the money for space research/exploration. Still better than if Bezos is cornering that market as well. Or we could decide to tax amazon fair and use that money. We need more cooperation like on the ISS for space stuff anyway but with some of our current heads of states(Trump, Putin, XI, Modi and some more) thats out of question.

Is he doing all of this so he can say “see I wanted Americans to start working again but not because I cared about my stock.”

Yes. Yes he is. One thing I’ll say about old Elon is that he is the living embodiment of a total disregard for the value of money that could only come from being born stupendously wealthy.

I’ll never ever be able to treat money with 1/1,000,000th of the disdain he does. I could be richer than Bill Gates and I’d probably still be incapable of treating it with such total lack of give a shit.

Truthsayer is right only about Musk, wrong about everything else


Not even right about Musk. He’s been saying Tesla has been going to zero since it’s been at $150 a share

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I didn’t say he was right about Tesla, he has been able to clearly define scam artists for exactly what they try and do or if someone comes up with “genius” strategy he can quickly expose it. However his opinions on trade, most stocks, politics, etc are almost always wrong


I mean his whole position on Musk is that he’s a con artist and Tesla and SpaceX are doomed because of his personality and fraud. SpaceX seems to be doing fine and Tesla stock is 300% above the level he said it was overvalued and going to zero. During a severe recession.

Sounds like Presidential material!

NASA spends waaaaay more money on rockets than SpaceX has, they just let Boeing steal it rather than use it for any actual purpose.

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Meh, ISS is a dead end and should have been mothballed ages ago. This is nothing to do with Musk, tho.