Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

But the gravitational pull of the truck on the load is the same as the gravitational force from the load on the truck. Tesla Cybertruck pulls with infinite force!

What’s the difference between “ability to pull” and “towing capability” ?

I’d have naively assumed they were the same but I guess not or that ad would be even sillier than it actually is ?

The extent to which it can pull near infinite mass is identical to the extent a AA battery-powered Tonka truck can.


I’m guessing it’s what we already discussed, you can theoretically pull against any amount of weight. The reason Tesla can make this claim is because electric motors can provide full torque when the vehicle and engine are at 0 RPM, while an ICE requires some RPM of at least the engine, so it’s going to be tough/impossible for an ICE truck to sustain a force that isn’t generating meaningful acceleration or at least an impulse that gets the velocity above zero.

Musk and his fans love pointing out this theoretical advantage of electric motors even when it provides no practical benefit. ICE trucks aren’t quoting the maximum weight that the engine can pull against, they’re also considering the amount of weight that can be safely maneuvered and brought to a stop. It’s very on brand for Tesla to just discard the safety aspect in favor of some technical detail though.


If Tesla engineers can improve the design slightly so it can pull actually infinite mass, perhaps SpaceX can use a Cybertruck to achieve light-speed travel.

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Actually now that I said this I’m remembering that Toyota commercial where they showed their Tundra towing the space shuttle, which is an order of magnitude heavier than it’s towing capacity. But that also highlights how little it matters that an electric truck can generate full torque without moving. Any ICE truck, at least diesel powered, can probably produce enough torque at idle speeds that it has nothing to do with the towing capacity, and even from a purely technical point of view the strength of the drivetrain is probably the more critical factor in how much weight you can “pull.”

In a vacuum with no friction, infinite mass pulls YOU


“near” doing a lot of work in the phrase “near infinite”

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You could tow a 20ft boat with an electric wheelchair if you had to. For starters, you lose safety when the object you’re towing is too heavy compared to the weight of the object you’re towing with - whcih could lead to loss of traction due to turning or wind. Also, brakes on the electric wheelchair are designed to stop the wheel chair and not designed to stop a 20ft boat so “towing capacity” is determined as the a benchmark for what that vehicle could safely pull as opposed to what it can pull.


Gizmodo reached out to the company on Thursday for comment about the “Breached” incident but did not hear back. Twitter no longer has a public relations department after Elon’s layoffs.


My truck will pull the Tesla truck when it bursts into flames.




Pretty sure anything available for $2 online can be found for free with about an hour of effort. Good effort Gizmodo



The good news is there are opals on Mars.

I think George Santos was his roommate in Canada and can verify Elon’s story.


That first ban is pretty wild…

Assuming it’s true. Probosiec is a known liar.

Beyond that the reason given doesn’t make sense. Which means it could be some fuckup or bot-brigade auto-ban thing. I’ve had to appeal bans on innocuous posts before. You have to remember it’s probably someone in Bangladesh who has zero context on U.S. life or politics. Twitter moderators fuck up all the time, and that was pre-Elon firring most of them.

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