Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

The F-150 Lightning can power a house for something like 3 days.

That statement doesn’t reallty say much. How does that house produce heat? Small appliances, lights, TV, those aren;t going to challenge the F=150 but also are not what will keep people alive if needed.

You are right. It has a 100 kwh (usable) battery, which is about 10 days of electricity for my house, but might just be a day or two for someone heating their house in a cold climate with electricity, but they could run a space heater continuously for about 3 days.

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In a life threatening situation i wonder how long the lightening could keep the truck cab warm. Probably longer than you could run a space heater? Gotta be more efficient.

Probably because it’s a small area, but vehicles (unless campervanned up) have worse than terrible insulation. I think it’d be better to get an electric heater in a small room (probably bathroom) and do some extra stuff like cover the windows for extra insulation and then you could run the heater on low or intermittently. Or you could have the truck in your garage and cover it with blankets or something.

This guy was pulling about 2500 watts I think more or less continuously in his Tesla in “camp-mode” at about zero degrees C. A space heater on high is usually like 1500 watts. He did much better while driving…shrug…might get heat from sources other than the heating elements. F-150 might be different. Shrug. I didn’t watch the whole video, just skipped through to try to get the general idea.

An emergency small very well insulated area is probably not a bad idea if you live somewhere where it gets -40. The whole house should be well insulated generally of course, but a small area could be extra insulated.


That’d be a day or two with an efficient heat pump, but only half that with resistance heating. Although most people in cold climates are still using oil/gas/propane, so they’d only need enough juice for ignition, flue dampers, circulators, etc.

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Does Elon have a reputation for not delivering on his claims?

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Probably not an Elon discussion but in the emergency situations we’re discussing, assume some coal and gas equipment has frozen and there are unexpected generator failings. Basically Texas in Uri. Lightening seems designed to sell into that market.

There was a cool show on National Geographic Channel where the host went to the coldest place people live, the hottest, the wettest, etc.

The coldest was some village in Siberia. It was -60 outside with massive winds. They put the host in a big tent (to keep the wind out) that had a smaller fur-lined tent inside of it (to keep heat in), and had him burn a fat candle inside the tent. He was toasty warm all night and slept in his underwear.


FWIW I slept in my FJ Cruiser at a roadblock in Nicaragua. I kept the car idling so I could keep it locked with me inside and keep the AC running. The car used about 4 gallons of gas, and that thing gets bad gas mileage.

Heat uses a lot less gas than AC. So as long as you aren’t running on empty and aren’t in danger of exhaust blockage by snow or something, a regular car should be good for days in a cold survival situation.

My only issue in Nicaragua was the engine would heat up the pavement so much it heated up the bottom of the car. So I had to move the car a couple times during the night. Be careful doing this over anything that could catch fire.

Had forgotten about this claim

We’ll see!


Tesla Boat ™️ w built in Twitter.

Every car can briefly serve as a boat and then briefly as a submarine.


At least when you’re at the bottom of the sea desperately trying to open your electric operated computer controlled doors the car is quite unlikely to spontaneously catch fire.


And then it becomes a carsophagus!


Option for flooded cave rescue operations available soon!

And it doubles as a pedo trap. Any rescuers are by definition!