Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

My wife recently explained to me that when buying a bag at Hermes you do not get to pick the actual bag. You are supposed to be so happy to be chosen for the opportunity that you just take whatever they give you. Oh and these stupid bags cost tens of thousands of dollars.


And people resell THE BOX HERMES STUFF COMES IN! People pay $35 - 100 for the box.

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Say what you will about the culture war types who’ve embraced Musk, at least they know the electric vehicles are a canard

That reminds me: my son’s first grade teacher has been asking all of the parents to donate used wine crates for a class project. This is at a public school for Chrissakes. I guess I should be glad that she didn’t ask for Hermes boxes.


From what I know luxury clothing brands are all margin, as the underlying product is just the same cheap shit as 99% of all clothing. Maybe I’m wrong but this what the internet has taught me.

There’s a difference in quality in terms of materials and craftsmanship, but, I think the basic argument that a lot of the premium comes from branding/marking more than the quality of the physical inputs is probably correct.

[My only real exposure to luxury goods was once borrowing a pair of Jimmy Choos from an ex. They were nice as far as heels go and I guess my feet hurt slightly less at the end of the night, so I think they were probably worth a bit of a premium if someone wore heels on a regular basis. I happen to spend 90% of my waking hours either barefoot or in Chuck Taylor’s, so I’d never invest in a pair personally]


r/teslainvestorsclub has been hilarious.
Used to be the biggest dick riding sub and now they want him to shut up and retire.


Tesla’s brand image has taken a hit in recent months, according to market surveys.


They’re great though. 90% of the nurses can’t be wrong amirite?


Everyone says that until they see the one thing they can’t live without.


Are these real?

Apparently so.

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Satisfying read. Highly recommend.

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Did Elon take a margin loan against TESL to buy Twitter or did he just sell some outright? I can’t remember the exact deetz but didn’t Levine say Elon had large margin loans even before this Twitter abomination? Feels like bartscottitsover.gif but billionaires are a sneaky bunch.

If I were a Tesla investor I think I’d be feeling pretty good that Musk was spending all his time at Twitter.


I heart the pre ninja edit content

His handler teams at Tesla and SpaceX must be feeling pretty stupid rn

It was kind of a dumb joke and I got nervous it wouldn’t go over for some reason. Ah well glad you liked it. :smiley:

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If this is true he’s definitely preparing the “Fuck you, make me” defense


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What are they making? I mean, there’s got to be a decent chance that wine crates are just the right shape and size for whatever it is.