Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

You know you’re in fucking deep when you’re using terms even I haven’t seen before.

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Next pandemic with Elon twitter gonna be hilarious. CDC gonna be banned for misinfo while whatever the forsythia is gonna get the Elon stamp of approval.


Dammit it’s sad that I immediately know this… it’s a reference to the branch davidians, the cult from Waco responsible for that incident in the 90s. Right wingers like Timothy McVeigh used it as motivation as an example of government overreach, but in reality the leader, David Koresh, was stockpiling weapons, raping children, and gave the order that resulted in the compound burning down

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Seems to be rolling out to everybody now. Fox, WSJ and OANN have it too.



Need an RFC for the $8 first.


What exactly was supposed to happen when Elon went on stage?

He’s not a comedian or talented in any other way that is relevant to the entertainment industry; he’s just a guy with a lot of money.

The audience bought tickets to see Chappelle perform jokes. Why shouldn’t they boo if they aren’t getting what they want?

Chappelle’s been doing that at shows. He brings up random famous people. He brings them up and they say a bit and then leave.

This is like The Only Plane in the Sky, but if the minute by minute recounting were about whether or not to ban Trump inside of Twitter and not 9/11, though I’m sure in the annuals of free speech they are equivalent. It’s all basically screenshots of everyone having discussions whether or not to ban Trump. Nothing really interesting to quote. Cards on the table, Trump shouldn’t have been banned for the tweet that they said they banned him for, but come on, provoking and condoning a coup feels like it would put you in pretty hot water at the internet bulletin board you post at.

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If I owned twitter I would ban twitter files for being boring.

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Oh so he literally did exactly what the first Twitter staffer warned he was going to do?

All that is so damning!



do elon, weiss and tabbi et al think the “TWITTER FILES” are moving any sort of needle at all? Yeah, the guys already in the tank are eating it up, but has a single person seen any of this and said “omg I thought X but now I see Y”?

Just a reason for rw nutters to complain about MSM not covering this epic story.


I mean, someone just posted that they didn’t get it. Not many people are going to remember a cult last relevant 30 years ago.

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I think they understood the reference, were just saying they hadn’t encountered it yet

It’s been out there a long time. Google it and you’ll find lots of older references than Musk. Y’all don’t see as much Covid misinfo as I see I think