Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Off the top of my head she gave 3-4 examples, and one was a Stanford professor? He is a rabid right winger by your standards?

No one is surprised they had a blacklist. The point is they lied over and over and over about not having a blacklist. And now it is proven, and no one on the left who ostensibly believed their lies cares anyways. So pretty analogous to Trumps lies being thrown back in the face of his supporters.

Edit: Yes, I realize Trump has probably lied more than every other political figure in our entire country combined. So not analogous in scope.

Over ar r/conservative its all “Will Griner stand for anthem/Biden condemns guns but releases gun merchant”. Twitter files is a dud.

I don’t know man. I think this is pretty bad. Like the fact that Twitter does this is fine, but the fact that they repeatedly explicitly lied about it is not. They are editing the availability of viewpoints and then being like “no no, this is a true and unedited portrait of what the public thinks”. That is scummy in my book.

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I thought it was fine. Definitely not his best work. The chapter where he imagines the 9/11 planning meeting is great.

Haven’t read the latter two but Griftopia and The Divide are both good. Everyone here would like The Divide if I gave it to them and didn’t tell them who wrote it.

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I guess I missed the part where they’d been lying about it. It seems pretty obvious that they’d have to have ways to flag accounts so that they don’t show up in trending or featured tweets or whatever, or you’d have a huge mess there.

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They have had the ability for users to flag trends for a while. It shouldn’t be a surprise that some trends were banned.

The guy who kept getting debunked in real time and then kept pushing out fraudulent information and was being or is now bankrolled by right wingers? Probably not rabid but just as bad.

In any case the rabidness isn’t the point, the insularity is. Bari only picked totemic right wing accounts. There’s no effort to play to any audience but the most right wing one. Were the anodotes she picked extraordinary? What were their policies? There’s no effort to contextualize anything.


People make hay out Twitter saying they don’t shadow ban but I always understood that was they don’t do what Facebook did and cause links not to show up in friend’s news feeds if people they knew liked stuff.

But of course Twitter can’t do that because that’s not how Twitter was originally set up.

It’s a bit disconcerting that Twitter would search ban popular figures, but without context it’s hard to know why they did it, if they reversed, why they reversed if they did, and how long it lasted, etc.

Apparently the narrow definition of “shadow banning” is making content not show up even to followers, so if that’s the definition, they didn’t do that. But for example this Twitter blog entry is just not at all an honest accounting of what was happening. It gives a picture of an automated tweet ranking system and according to them, here are the criteria they use:

  • Tweets from people you’re interested in should be ranked highly
  • Tweets that are popular are likely to be interesting and should be higher ranked
  • Tweets from bad-faith actors who intend to manipulate or divide the conversation should be ranked lower

Whatever you think of Jay Bhattacharya, he is not a “bad faith actor” in this sense, but tweets that were popular from him were disallowed from trending, and this sort of restriction of visibility was being done manually, not merely algorithmically. This is just not at all what Twitter were representing was happening.

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I just assumed all social media companies do this type of thing in one way or another. For example, the shows that are trending on my Netflix account are way different than the ones Netflix tells me are trending when im home on my moms account. Get out the feinting couches.

Let’s try to avoid the trap of agreeing with these assholes like they actually have some principled stance on shadow banning or censoring of content. They don’t. They just want to spread their shit unhindered, without consequences and regardless of the harm it causes to others. Fuckkkk them.


There’s a house in my neighborhood with an FJB and Let’s Go Brandon sign in the yard, and an upside down US flag in the living room window.

Somehow that’s not disrespectful to USA#1, but kneeling during the anthem is instant blind rage for these people.


Do you have a cite where they lied about it?

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–Of course we can get into a Clintonesque semantic debate about definitions and meaning of words, but I hope we can all agree the spirit of these tweet did not prove to be truthful. Although it seems Jack did a pretty good job insulating himself so he could argue with plausible deniability he didn’t know what was going on.

Semantic debates about words are often needed to determine truth vs falsity.

However, as Viridian points out, this is all bad faith BS that applies mainly to racists, vax deniers, qanon folks, etc. I’m fine with that, and I’d be fine with Twitter doing the same if people say attack cops, promote a riot, or use healing crystals to cure cancer.


According to Sheldon Cooper, an upside down flag indicates distress.


Stanford guy appears to be a clown.

Twitter’s main “problem”, which Musk cannot solve, is the demographics of people who use smartphones and Twitter are not the demographics of people who watch Fox news.


I used to work for one of the leading statistical expert witnesses in the country. Expert witnessing is nothing but a huge racket. The big boss made enough $$ from it that his toy was a fighter jet.

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Needless to say, waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy more troubled by Elon’s behavior here in handing right wing provocateurs the keys to the castle in a nakedly partisan propaganda effort than the ticky tacky stuff they “uncovered.”


So, they decreased ranking for Charlie Kirk, Dan Bongino, and Libs Of TikTok for reasons? LGTM.

Is there any chance that the current private Twitter company could be fined for lying about it’s practices while being a public company? If so, I could very quickly change my tune if Elon gets to foot the bill.

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