Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

For that book, maybe.

“OK now imagine that bomb is actually inside your head…what did you think we were doing here?”

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If you’re just following this casually like me, today’s Fresh Air (NPR) is a pretty good summary. Terry interviews this guy.

casey newton is a great follow, he has a newish podcast with some other goober that is pretty decent if you’re a casually tech-bro-curious

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I was off just a bit on the dates. Life span wise they were basically contemporaries, Hume 1711-1776, Kant 1724-1804. But Hume’s major work on topics in metaphysics and epistemology was in 1739, and Kant starts publishing in like 1750. His super major work is the The Critique of Pure Reason in 1781, so that’s about a 40 year gap between that and Hume’s Treatise. But Kant was reading Hume while Hume was alive and well so, they were a bit closer in time than I had remembered.


I believe kant read hume secondhand via critics of hume because he didn’t speak English. Hume is readable to most laymen whereas kant takes more effort. Hume also wrote the best multivolume history of England produced to the 1750s. Hume could generally be called a skeptical empiricist. Kant was more impressed with our ability to know mathematical and moral truths, even though they aren’t merely logical in form (so-called synthetic apriori knowledge). I took a graduate seminar on a priori knowledge–turns out it’s really hard to precisely characterize.

Interestingly, hume was best friends with Adam Smith, who for 100 years was more famous as a moral philosopher than as an economist.


Of course

Shats fired.

I like Julia and don’t like Taibbi, but this seems borderline defamatory (tho Taibbi is a public figure and it’s hard to prove actual malice). Surely horse seaman is not that cheap.

I suspect this partly reflects the animosity of a knowledgeable russian speaking reporter who was unimpressed with Taibbi and his “bros” when they were in Moscow in the 90s.

I don’t know about that specific instance, but that Taibbi and his co-founder basically ran an expat-American-in-Russia version of early Vice was pretty well known and Taibbi seems to be kind of sheepish that in his time out there he wasn’t a muckraker doing hard journalism, but pretty much a zine shit head who annoyed actual journalists

Twenty years ago, when I was a Moscow correspondent for the Baltimore Sun, two Americans named Matt Taibbi and Mark Ames ran an English-language tabloid in the Russian capital called the eXile. They portrayed themselves as swashbuckling parodists, unbound by the conventions of mainstream journalism, exposing Westerners who were cynically profiting from the chaos of post-Soviet Russia.

A better description is this: The eXile was juvenile, stunt-obsessed and pornographic, titillating for high school boys. It is back in the news because Taibbi just wrote a new book, and interviewers are asking him why he and Ames acted so boorishly back then. The eXile’s distinguishing feature, more than anything else, was its blinding sexism — which often targeted me.

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“Matt Taibbi was a documented piece of shit for longer than people usually know” is by far the least surprising thing I’ve learned today.

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I’ve heard Taibbi mention that he’s sued for defamation before, and that he thinks more public figures should do so.

Found on twitter


All of these account of Taibbi are from 20 years ago, but nothing in the last 10 - 15 years. By all accounts he was a dumbass in Russia, came back and had been doing an OK job at the Rolling Stones for 10 years or so.

There’s a lot of money in selling out, the end.

Taibbi’s The Great Derangement sucked. It’s one of only 4 books I ever gave 1 star to on Good Reads. No idea if his Rolling Stones stuff was good, the book was dumb enough to swear me off him. I am rarely ahead of the curve.

Didn’t read that one but Griftopia, Hate Inc, and I Can’t Breathe were all great.

Twitter Files Part 2 is out. The big reveal. Twitter did have a trending and search black lists.

What struck me about this that Twitter is not good at primary reporting. It’s good at summarizing other reporting and then pointing to it, but way too abbreviated for any kind of depth.

Also how insular these right wing media worlds are. Bari doesn’t even attempt to make the thread about anything but right wing Twitter accounts. I couldn’t tell you what Twitters policy is about blacklisting people, only that rabid right wingers got the banhammer

Great stuff. Weiss sharing pictures of her laptop screen to break the huge news that… Twitter can mark accounts so they don’t show up in trending.

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A+ job New York Times publishing Bari fucking Weiss

people hitting other people with horse semen pies is the reason why i own two sets of handcuffs and a blowtorch.