Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Excellent summary, 100% co-signed.

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Philosophy and statistics should be required for everyone in high school. And not just a semester each.


I dunno man. I earnestly tried to read Kant in college and simply had no fucking idea what was going on.

Statistics, probability and personal finance - absolutely.


Should cover philosophy of science at least.

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Hot take alert, I used to think this about philosophy, but of late I think it’s fine for almost everybody to ignore it unless they’re generally interested in the history of ideas or whatever. Contrary to how it’s sometimes sold (well that maybe too strong, presented?), philosophy doesn’t really teach many transferrable critical thinking skills. If you want to get better at logic, study logic. If you want to get better at history, study history. Maybe philosophy is good for the development of analytical writing skills, but for the kind of critical thinking skills philosophy is imagined to teach, you can probably acquire those much more doing a standard law degree. And this is because most of philosophy is actually about the substance of philosophy, like the actual merits of the views philosophers hold, where as law is just about skillfully playing around with bullshit.

Caveat, of course force all engineers and some math bros to take philosophy because some of them are adult infants and need to eat their vegetables.


best college course i ever took was a history class in science and technology studies dept.

I took it voluntarily. Most physicists and other scientists as well as engineers think it’s pointless bullshit. But they tend to hold that view about all the humanities.

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True, but it’s the engineers who are usually the most dangerous :smiley:

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Co signed. Someone managed to take the experience of a Riverman post and turn it into a 1k word op ed.

It’s really odd to me that these have so few likes and retweets

ah yes genius move elon

Reminds me of professional settings when there’s a silly issue that’s more of a distraction but a colleague or client just insists upon dying on that hill, and I eventually just give up arguing about it because what’s the harm I guess.

I’m dealing with this now in the context of legal negotiation and it is truly infuriating when the other side digs in on something completely immaterial that you can’t give them for whatever stupid reason.

It begs the question; Where we’re you when you first heard the Twitter Files?


I was doing drugs with naked Hunter Biden.


I’m starting to understand why the government is so resistant to giving Elon what he wants lol

The Year in Woke Censorship. Gather round, women and minorities, and… | by Jude Ellison S. Doyle | Medium

The Crime: This is less the story of an individual censoring than an intermingled web of people, all of whom were censored for different reasons: Elon Musk (Twitter’s owner and CEO, censored for believing Twitter should not have content moderation, especially if it prohibits targeting trans people), Matt Taibbi (former journalist, censored for either admitting or “joking” that he had raped multiple women in his memoir, and also for a substantiated pattern of harassing female colleagues), and Bari Weiss (Bari Weiss, censored for serving as a mouthpiece for the general far-right dickheadery of the “Intellectual Dark Web”).

All of these people believe Twitter conspires to suppress far-right viewpoints, including the person with far-right viewpoints who currently runs Twitter. Musk appears to have leaked “the Twitter files” to Taibbi to “prove” his allegation. When the world discovered that the “files” did not prove any such allegation, and were in fact just mundane emails from people who worked in Twitter’s content moderation department, which showed them going about their jobs, Bari Weiss jumped in to prove… I don’t know, that this is the sort of thing Bari Weiss is into, I guess.

