Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

given Elon’s track record of firing people it defintely absolutely 100% makes sense to just take his word for it in this case

You characterizing what Baker did as a boring total nothingburger seemed like you’d made up your mind about it already. Sorry I misinterpreted what you meant.

the only indication we have that it was problematic is some unverified claims from known bad-faith actors. it’s a nothingburger until shown otherwise.

OK maybe I didn’t misinterpret what you wrote.

C’mon. Take a guess. It’s not Schrödinger’s cat.

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One that annoys me is a part vs apart. Read so many athlete Instagram/twitter posts about how glad they are to be apart from their team after a big win or being drafted!

Also was hoping for some Elon news after 65 new posts in 8 hours.


Him being the former FBI general counsel and vetting stuff regarding the government’s (including maybe the FBI) interactions with Twitter certainly raises some eyebrows. As does getting fired. If he was improperly fired for cause then he’s got a hell of a good wrongful termination lawsuit against Musk.

Yes. Maybe he will sue. Like just about everyone else that Elon fired.

Living in the culture forces you to consider it. Pressure is effective, sure. And a charismatic leader can definitely push you. Sometimes the results are good. Occasionally they are very bad. People get hurt. People get killed. Looking back at my time in aerospace and other jobs, I definitely took unnecessary risks. Maybe I should not have said pressure to go faster is “famously” bad. Given human nature, maybe it has to be periodically re-learned.

In my experience, the certainty of failure is not so much accepted in advance as (maybe) tolerated after the fact. Musk has lately revealed himself to be intolerant and willing to fire people for any reason whatever, so if there is tolerance for failure at SpaceX, it likely doesn’t come from him.

It’s not a random event that SpaceX launches rockets that work reliably.

I think that’s true but there has been over a century of prior work so I’m not going to give Elon a lot of credit for it. He showed up at the right time and place with enough money and influence to make it happen. Good for him.

I mean, assume it’s true that all Elon does is hire talented lieutenants, point them at goals, then flit around doing PR events. It’s actually really interesting that that works out so well.

I am willing to give him credit for this. But also going to consider that this too might be mostly, to use @RiskyFlush’s word, serendipity. There are many people working in aerospace who share some of Musk’s proclaimed visions. I worked with some idealistic, talented, and dedicated people. It’s not hard to imagine a fair number would jump at the chance to work at SpaceX when it was getting started.

I don’t know anything about the car industry but it’s possible a similar confluence of Musk’s ego, money, and influence, along with other people’s talent led to Tesla’s initial growth and success. At least it’s not hard to imagine that a lot of people in that industry were dreaming about the possibilities of electric cars while chafing under the yoke of Ford and GM bureaucracy.


I’ve never seen the “apart” one. It reminds me of (yes I’m old) a child born out of wedlock. It should be “outside” of wedlock. A child born “out of wedlock” should be the fruit of a married couple.


lil’ for little makes me really mad

NASA’s space shuttle era safety culture and safety record turned out to be pretty bad though, right? I think it’ll be interesting to see what SpaceX manned flight safety record ends up looking like, there’s obviously not enough data to make judgements right now.

you sound a lil’ mad

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I don’t think shuttle was special. The history is mixed. NASA has been criticized both for being too risk-averse and as standing for “need another seven astronauts”. The pressure to go faster is always there and the push-back only comes after an accident. There are limits to how reliable rockets can be with current technology. There will be more disasters.

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Extremely common copyediting fix is “awhile” vs “a while”

Awhile=for a while

Which is an easy fix, it’s just that when you know that, you’ll suddenly see “for awhile” as “for for a while”

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Kids these days have literally changed the meaning of the word literally.




Haha I liked his post solely because he nailed the beg the question usage there but let’s not start suckin each other’s ducks just yet gentlemen.

But seriously to derail the whole thread further, I wound up in Philosophy because I could not get a sophomore year elective that I wanted and there was nothing left. It was truly the most important and interesting class I took outside of my major in all of undergrad imo. I can recall like 3-4 lectures total from that time, and my first one from that class tops the list. The guy broke down how basically all academic disciplines, from medicine to law to economics to science to education whatever you can think of, were all rooted in philosophy, and somehow it had never even occurred to my young brain what Ph.D even meant until that duh moment. I learned more in that one class than in all my other electives combined, easily, and probably more than in several of my major courses too. That professor basically taught us how to spot how to spot bullshit! I firmly believe that someone trained in philosophy and logic can be trained in the workplace to do most anything that isn’t highly specialized. Nobody seems to agree with that now though.


When I went to get coffee this morning, a man in the deli grabbed me by the shirt and shouted, “Have you seen? Have you seen the Twitter Files??” The woman behind the counter perked up and added, “I heard Bari Weiss is dropping new Twitter Files tonight! Or possibly tomorrow, depending!” A guy in an idling car across the street somehow intuited what was being talked about inside, rolled down his window, and bellowed, “It was James Baker all along!”

Surely you have had a similar experience at some point over the last few days, because this story is just that BIG. Perhaps, however, you are still struggling to understand what exactly the Twitter Files are, or why nothing will be the same now that they are being presented to the public. Maybe you have even thought to yourself, while reading through the coverage, “these kind of just seem like a bunch of internal emails between executives at a social media company.”

If so, firstly, what are you, some kind of fucking moron?