Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

So for uninitiated (me) a Known RWNJ is reporting legit lefty posters/organizations as lying, spreading hate etc and good old Elon is just banning them without any further thought?

Also, why is antifa a dirty word. Fascists are histories bad guys. Seems like being against fascism is a good thing (and it seems as though many, if not most of the bad things assigned to antifa were actual false flags planted by …. Fascists).

Andy Ngo is just awful. At some point he decided his views and actions weren’t quite awful enough so he started faking an English accent.

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@RiskyFlush stick around. You are missed.


Elon is doing what he has wanted to do all along - someone ‘reporting’ those accounts is just an aside. He is just a slightly smarter version of Trump. If we had another ‘worst person on the planet’ draft, Elon Musk is likely a first round pick.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (Holiday Grievances Edition)

Twitter hasn’t been same last week or so for me. I get the same people I follow tweets but just seems off and not as much. Lots of random celebrity gossip site stuff jammed into my feed. Main feed hasn’t given me anything to keep me interested either. Twitter at the start was awesome. Black people finding out white people don’t wash their legs was very funny to me.

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Aw man, who revealed our secret?


Crypto Entrepreneurs Fail to Capture Elon Musk’s Attention With $600,000 Goat Statue

Co-founders of Elon GOAT token deliver 12,000-pound sculpture to Tesla’s Austin headquarters, but Musk doesn’t respond

picture of the statue

I don’t know! but that and the crying Jordan meme was funniest times for me on Twitter.

How do you get stuff in your feed that you don’t follow? Is that what Home does now? I thought it was just your follows but stuff they think you care about bubbles up to the top. Is it also random stuff mixed in?

I’m always on Latest Tweets, or my sports list. So I only see people I follow.

Also I wash my legs wtf



Twitter dying is starting to smell a lot like hopium to me.

What’s weird is that a lot of people seem really conflicted over whether they actually want it to fail or not.

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Reading through these slides (“Advertising as entertainment,” “Video”) I got some Prestige Worldwide vibes


When your attempt at humor sounds like a comedian doing a bit as someone humorless.

Keep the fighting out of this thread. Last warning.


I absolutely don’t want it to die. It’s by far the most useful social media platform. I want Elon to die or I guess I’ll settle for him losing control.


If Twitter is going to die it’s going to take a long time or something catastrophic. The unmoderated internet eventually converges on 4chan (nazis, porn, trolls and spam) and that might be some combination of twitters future. We’re already getting the trolls, nazis, and the porn talk is out there. I’m sure spammers will start finding more ways in as well.

Similar to that is “SJW” as an insult. Oh, I’m a deplorable human being? Well you care about people other than yourself! Burn! High fives all around!