Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

In all seriousness, I think it’s an all-or-nothing issue. If all cars on the road are autonomous, everything works and it’s much much safer. But getting there is the issue. We would have to require people to switch literally instantaneously at the same time.

Only way I can see to make it work is to have completely separate roads for autonomous cars.

Oh shit. I just invented the Boring Co.


This episode was just on. Seems particularly unrealistic now.

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Autonomous cars would work great if they were segregated onto a separate designated system, you could even make them massively efficient by making them really big and having them stop off at various designated areas so that multiple people could get a use out of them at the same time. Hell, you could even put them underground so they wouldn’t interfere with surface traffic. If you got something like this going in big cities it could really be a breakthrough.


I’ve never been closer to flagging a post on this site as I am right now with this one.

Holy fuck you owe me 2.5 minutes of my life back.


I think we are a decade+ from fully autonomous vehicles being road-ready but just a handful of years from slightly lesser levels of automation going mainstream

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There are probably lots of incel types that are satisfied being on team Elon and drinking liberal tears or whatever.

Meh idk. This seems like a safe bet if you’re familiar with software in general but not autonomous software in particular. The last couple of years seem to have been a plateau in improvement in this area.

The killer use case for “autonomous” driving tech is for emergency collision avoidance. If you take a regular car, have an AI operating in shadow mode, and have the AI take over when it’s 90+% certain there’s about to be a crash, you’d eliminate the majority of car crashes. But it’s not marketable compared to the much less compelling use case of reading a book on your commute.


Only slightly related but any I’ll take any excuse to bust out this wiki page:

In 1967, Sweden got all their drivers to switch from LH driving to RH driving at the same time! Zero percent chance something like this could work in America in 2022


Maybe instead of self-driving cars we could try not building and living in environments that require using a 2 ton piece of machinery to move a single person everywhere they need to go?


How long have you been a communist?


Seriously zikzak! Is the sky red in your world!


I’d credit the guy/gal that invented orange cones. Distinct shape, color pattern, highly visible. Even the shittiest AI should be able to identify them. Unfortunately almost everything else in driving is ambiguous.

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Also put microchips in pedestrians and pets so self-driving cars can quickly and easily identify them.

Bill Gates should work on that. He’s universally beloved.

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That’s on you for clicking play bro.

The trolley problem algorithm will be fun to program.

Highway driving should be fully autonomous within 5 years.

I think there’s still a long way to go for every other form of driving.


And what you didn’t realize was a human was watching back at headquarters with a remote steering wheel and brake, ready to take over at any minute.

The burning question I’d really like to know is what’s the highest ratio of humans to cars any of them have been able to achieve so far.

Sam Harris discussion callback: Harris deleted his Twitter account. I haven’t seen an explanation why from him but I imagine it’s because of all the people who got unbanned. Right-wing Twitter apparently haven’t got the memo that he’s a right-winger now.