Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

hahahahah this is not happening btw

why would anyone pollute their brain by listening to that?

it’s completely disproven bunk science, and it gives a platform to ideas that are abhorrent and can spread them further. I don’t need to listen to intellectual masturbation discussing deeply racist pseudo science and I question the motivations of anyone that feels the need to do so.

i can dismiss these things out of hand, because it’s garbage.


I’m not technologically literate, but it seems to be impossible.

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At some point post-2016 Sam Harris figured out (along with a lot of other people) that there was way more money making content that appeals to right wingers so that’s what he did.


Kind of related to this, I have a very smart brother in law (two of them, actually, but that’s beside the point) who is a very centrist/economist/liberal/eDem type and he is constantly circling around idea that it’s very very very important to hear from Both Sides on important issues, and isn’t it problematic that so many of us receive our news from “just” the liberal side, and surely there must be Smart Conservative voices that we should be listening to. Mostly I just do a “lol, no, they’re all morons or evil and they’re weaponizing your good intentions but you do you” but the one time I actually got him to have a slight epiphany was when I told him to just stop worrying about whether the writer is liberal or conservative and just ask if the writer is credible to opine on the subject. This can be very clarifying. Like I don’t care if my auto mechanic is a conservative when I am assessing the quality of his opinion on my muffler. People are not used to thinking of political opinions this way, but simply filtering on opinions that are informed with evidence will result in your sources being 99% “liberal” and 1% “conservative” because conservatives made that choice.


That’s great. He’s also good buddies with a ton of rich people, manages not to get mad at them despite all the wealth they hoard, and actively fights against people like AOC. So yea I’m not convinced by his 10% tithe to Effective Altruism which may or may not end up being a dangerous cult.


I think he’s more into meditation grifting than political grifting.

I think what he’s saying is that you can encrypt the message content, but if you let people message on a browser, there’s a risk that someone will impersonate Twitter and the code you use in the browser will steal your keys. Or I guess if you don’t trust Twitter, Twitter could just steal your encryption keys itself. I’m sure this is all true, but I suspect that the “redefining E2E encryption” door is less bad than he’s making it sound.

Maybe - I just like reposting provocative takes on subjects I don’t know anything about!



we literally have this implemented on this website, this isn’t impossible lol. he doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about.

how it works on this site is - you send me an encrypted pm, and I need my key to read it. My recipient needs his key to read it. there’s other ways to implement this that are fairly secure. it seems like he’s making a semantics argument like “well twitter could man in the middle by inserting some malicious JS somewhere.” well, sure, but they’d immediately be caught doing it, lol.

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I think they said they are going to create the ability to link organizations where they could identify multiple accounts / people as belonging to an organization.

Can’t wait for unstuck to get its organization tag.

Crazy how left wing this guy is :laughing:

Has anyone ever seen Sam Harris and Elon Musk together? Could they be the same person?

Could y’all please take the Sam Harris discussion to another thread? I like my Musk-sucks-and-is-doing-dumb-shit dopamine hits to be uncut.


But you have to manually store and enter the key. I don’t think that’s going to work for most people.

So I can credibly say that I admin a social media website with better encryption capabilities than Twitter has? Excellent, can’t wait for Musk to make me a director or something! I’m ready to go hardcore.


It has already not worked here at least once. Having to be personally responsible for your private keys with no way to reset them is never going to be viable for the masses.

Couldn’t they just make encrypted DM’s a separate thing? So normies could keep sending regular DM’s without hassle.