Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I agree, and lots of other edems would do that too. That’s what he is.


Of course he’s gonna suck Mollusk’s dick for permanently and unequivocally dethroning him in the Perceived Genius / Actual Moron Gap rankings.

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Right. He’s a mainstream, slightly libertarian Democrat. He supported Clinton over Sanders and supported Yang in 2020. The major difference between him and other mainstream Democrats is that he openly discusses some of his more reactionary beliefs rather than carefully obscuring them with platitudes. He is arguably right-wing in the same sense that the Democrats writ large are arguably a right-wing party, but it’s obviously misleading to describe him as a right-wing author.


Left of Center on most things is left wing no? I am not claiming he would fit in here or is AOC!

This is exactly it although I don’t think I agree with the libertarian part.

His core belief is questioning all ideas which is where his odd defence of Murray comes from imo.

He has a huge blind spot on race and constantly fucks it up when talking about it. He is a deep thinker on many topics but race he can’t seem to get past level one “don’t we want to be race blind!?”

Anyway, I mostly only listen to him now when he is talking about meditation and consciousness. I just wanted to point of the stupidity of claiming he was a right wing author.

Moments like these don‘t exactly help his left wing credibility

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Harris is a deep thinker on many topics especially race, Islam, communism, wokeness, terrorism, the use of torture, human rights, and many other topics. Very intelligent guy whose repeated associations with other thinkers known to be of right-wing persuasion are misconstrued by foolish liberals lacking in intellectual curiosity.


Has no place in a forum such as this.

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He has openly talked about how wrong many of the people in this photo are on lots of topics. Surely this forum is more sophisticated than “had dinner with so is clearly X” level thinking.

He has beliefs in the realms of wokeness and Islamophobia that serve as gateway drugs for some people to become Republicans. There are certainly people like him who seemed like mostly mainstream Democrats until something rustled their jimmies sufficiently to break them mentally and lead them to switch parties because they felt left behind by a party moving culturally leftward. I could see him becoming…not necessarily a Republican, but a vocal anti-Democrat who serves as a useful idiot for the GOP if a Muslim reached a prominent position in the party.

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He seems more centrist than left-wing. I’m not sure if he has any liberal positions that aren’t shared by centrists.

Would you go to dinner with Peterson, Shapiro and Rubin?

Are they paying?


For the sex? Yes.

The guy to Shapiro’s left looks like he’d put out for free.

For the hundredth time he is Islamophobic in the exact same way I am “Christianphobic”. He hates the ideas, not the people.

He is rabidly anti-trump
He believes in a strong social net
He believes in donating huge portions of one’s wealth to help the less advantaged
He believes advantage and luck are driving forces in success
He is strongly in favour of universal healthcare
He believes extreme wealth is immoral and wealth inequality is a major issue
He is a climate change extremist in that it’s a central issue of our time
He believes helping many nameless people oversees is better than helping a couple here

yea gee wonder why every “independent” trump voter i know is in love with him

he entertains the idea that blacks are genetically predisposed to being dumber than asians or whites. fuck off with it

So, he’s Islamophobic.


This is just wrong. No trump voter likes him. He is maybe the most rabidly anti-trump person I have ever heard speak. He is on par with this forum on that metric.

If you actually listen to his Murray podcast you won’t come away thinking he believes blacks are less intelligent than whites. You just won’t.