Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I think it’s going to be lumping SJW journalists like Parker Malloy in with Elon incels. Big companies (advertisers) will have their own color.

Will be interesting to see what happens with NY Times, which I heard has 6,000 blue checks or something like that.


This is really dumb. There is no charitable way to describe him as right wing.


I hadn’t payed much attention to him in the last decade or so. I thought maybe he completed an epic grift: Be a staunch atheist, engage in boring debates with every theist out there on Youtube, find God, and then sell shitty pillows and gold with crosses on them or something.

Nope, just lazy reporting.

I can see how someone who said it was a slam dunk to take Ben Carson over Noam Chomsky might be perceived as a right-winger. He’s got a lot of right-wing adjacent beliefs, but he’s not a right-wing ideologue. He has defended Charles Murray on race, J.K. Rowling on transgender, and Ted Cruz on immigration.

If one of the lines of cleavage between left and right in the US is over identity politics and wokeness, which side is Sam Harris on?

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Ehh, he hasn’t destroyed it yet.

Hmm, seems like Bruce has a very charitable way of describing him as right wing. Is any of that wrong?

You think right wing equates to religious which is so, so not true.

He’s a gen-x, e-dem, atheist that is hyper-focused on religion. In context of the USA, saying he’s a ‘right-wing author’ is a very poor description.

It doesn’t matter, no one has payed attention to him in a decade or so anyway.

I don’t think that right wing is religion although that’s a strong correlation. I do think a person can hold hundreds of left wing beliefs, a couple of right wing ones and not be right wing. That’s Harris.

He has a few really dumb ideas but overall he is clearly left wing. It’s just disingenuous to say otherwise.

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Nate finally figuring out wearing a hat at least covers up a small part of his hideousness. Good for him.


He doesn’t hold “100s” of left wing beliefs and he doesn’t hold only “a couple” of ring wing ones. He’s a mixed bag at best, it may be accurate to say he’s “left of center on most things” but “clearly left wing” no way.

In fact his left most beliefs are far less left than his right most beliefs are right.


I’m not sure which part of which decade I missed out on where I’m supposed to know who Sam Harris is or care what he thinks, but I’m going to chalk it up as a win.


He’s not a ‘right-wing author’ in the US spectrum of shithead right-wing authors. That’s what I wanted to ‘WAT’ about, sorry for the derail. We can judge him in a different thread.

Early to mid 2000s.


2+2 RGT circa 2010-ish. You’re not wrong.


Sam Harris is a liberal because he says he is and that’s called knowing how to read.


“It only matters because it happened TO ME.”


I got a 7 day ban for calling Benny Johnson a scumbag unworthy of being a human. On day 2 now.

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I think he would vote for a never-Trumper Republican like Mitt Romney over someone as left as AOC. Do you disagree?