Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

C’mon Elon, lash out at Trump. You know you want to.


He’s not going to lash out, he’s going to sell Twitter to Truth Social for 2x and the 47th President will nationalize it and make gagillions.

Trump does not have 88 billion. Although that would be an oddly appropriate purchase price for him.


Seriously, the guy just instinctually knows the exact move that will make bullshit “alphas” cream themselves.


Is this real?

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What part of that seems out of character to you?

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It’s doesn’t but it’s so fucking hard to tell what is real nowadays.



If that trump post is real it almost makes all this worth it.

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It’s real, but it’s from July.

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Twitter better actually fail, or at least let’s see some downtime, otherwise this is gonna give me the bad feels of how the other guy was on the precipice of failure/jail for 6 years and nothing happened.


Even if it survives, I don’t see any universe in which Elon doesn’t lose just a shit ton of money on this endeavor. I guess that doesn’t really matter though.

This is so confusing. Why is Elon trying so hard to get is favour?

Tell me if I have this sorted out - Donald Trump, the most attention starved person in the world, somehow managed to become president of the United States just by making a bunch of mean tweets. Now he is running for president again and the richest person in the history of the world bought Twitter for 44 billion specifically so Trump could mean tweet his way back to the White House. But Trump isn’t going to take him up on it because he is trying to get some rinky-dink website with ten inbred users off the ground. Am I getting this all right?


At this point Truth Social is probably even money to outlast Twitter.

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Also, can’t remember the Unstuck policy on fake Trump Tweets. Asking for a friend.

Don’t. We don’t need more misinformation.

They must be clearly labeled “Parody”


He bought twitter to own the libs, the same reason he is endorsing Desantis and it’s probably because he read this message board or in general figured out that liberals didn’t like him and/or thought he was overrated/not Iron Man.