Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

The SJW PMCs are making too many damn RPCs


Soooo not an actual code review

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Ok guys, put your hand to your chin and act like Elon is saying something deeply insightful.

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Some real “Have fun staying poor” energy itt, but smart enough not to say it

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Thankfully, no. He just didn’t know what to call it. This is a good sign.

I think Twitter might not crash and burn technically, especially if they are cautious with new features until they have SRE coverage again.

Mostly stuff breaks when there are changes and can coast when there is no change.

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Lotta diversity at Twitter. Looks like a well rounded group.

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They had women, before Elon.

The replies to this tweet are telling.

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Yea if he were spot checking people’s work just to spot fire them then that’d be bad, but pulling everyone in to get an overview of the architecture of Twitter is good for him and good for the people who remain. Of course he should have done that first, then set priorities, and then started cutting based on the priorities, but oh well.

That can’t have been his first high-level architecture review during his tenure at twitter.

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dude blocked me for replying with this:

To which I replied:

And then he blocked me. What a thin-skinned douche.


I have a friend at an unnamed media company that is being dragged through the mud right now (the company, not the friend). He says the culture is terrible and everyone is walking on eggshells, but he wants to stick it out in the hopes all the senior execs are fired as a result of the external investigation going on and then he can become a top executive.
I assume those who stayed are hoping for the same, Elon fanboys, or just so risk averse they will keep showing up and doing what they are told until they are fired.

Plebes hoping for justice in the C-suite are ultimately disappointed roughly 100% of the time.


Yeah if you are a VP level person hoping to make it into senior management, the route “I will wait for the current C suite to be rightly dismissed and then I will be elevated because of my inherent value” will almost never work. If the current C suite is vulnerable, the people that are going to get those jobs are the sociopaths with their knives out right now calling in favors and horse trading for influence and coordinating the downfall of the current C suite.


How can Glenn be consistently wrong about everything? Is it intentional?

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Sort of related I was trying to hang on at my startup side job until they got some real funding (outside the founder burning through his own money). My hope was the real money would dig into the company a little and realize the chief engineer, who had known the founder since grade school, was in way over his head.

But I talked to a few people who said yeah VCs don’t really do that. They just throw money.

He’s an ideologue, where his ideology is knee-jerk anti-establishmentarianism.

I assume he is standing on the back of the tallest engenieer.


I agree that twitter can’t engineer their way out of this and becoming an engineer first org is not going to materialize in a substantial end user change. Unless they can pioneer some completely new functionality that then catches on. They aren’t going to win by making tweets tweetier.


He was so much in the right place at the right time during the W Bush era when the country and main stream media were thirsty for revenge blood after 9/11 but it turns out that being reactively antiestablishment was bang on during the run up to the Iraq war.

He also wrote blog posts that were anti-immigration (I believe he used the word “hordes”), and was one of those “free speech absolutists” like Dershowitz who everyone thought was a hero for defending Nazis. Turns out maybe he likes Nazis a little bit!