Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

It was a pretty successful flight other than the landing, and even that looks like it was caused by an engine failure. The explosion when it lands is cool as shit, I can’t wait for them to release slo mo of it

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The flip from parallel to the ground to perpendicular in 2 seconds was wild. I just assumed something had gone horribly wrong when it stayed flat getting so close to the ground.



Space Karen is just the absolute best name for him and I use it every chance I get.


Is it supposed to come down parallel with the ground like that?

Yes, it does that to slow down while also keeping relatively cool. The test yesterday was mostly about testing the bellyflop which is why it’s been called a success despite the explosion at the end.


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I’m not an incel, so I don’t understand any of these memes.


Well you’re also not smart enough to be a billionaire. So maybe that’s the problem.


Being a edgy memelord isn’t easy even if you are one of the 5 wealthiest people in the world

World richest man Elon Musk reached $250 billion dollar today. Should be enough for that trip to Mars.

(AUD but it makes it a cool quarter of a trillion)

A real Man Of The People.

Yeah because trying to host a podcast in an two bedroom apartment with two small kids, one of whom is autistic, would totally be the easiest thing in the world. Not interested in this take from the paper that gave us man on the street interviews from Republican consultants thanks.

I’m getting super tired of people on this site whining endlessly about how Bernie got treated by the media and then breathlessly lapping up every cherry picked to look as bad as possible anti Yang take those same people dish out.

This doesn’t apply to you as much NBZ because I don’t think you’re a Bernie guy… but some of you sure do like to pretend that the stuff you all watched them do to Bernie coverage wise isn’t in their range and they haven’t already been caught doing to Yang repeatedly.

Take anything you read/hear/see on the establishment media about AOC, Bernie, or yes Andrew Yang with a boulder sized grain of salt. They aren’t trying to inform you they’re trying to influence you… and when it comes to Yang that worked really well if this board is any indication.

Also if you guys are going to post every less than perfect tweet a guy makes you should just get him a bot so we can all read the vast majority of his tweets which are generally pretty decent.

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I actually don’t have a problem with Yang but this particular comment from him is a little tone deaf. The Champion of UBI might want to polish up on his messaging.

Or stop giving interviews to the NYT. This is a hit piece and not a particularly honest one. They are trying to prevent a leftist populist type from being the mayor of NY.


Is Yang a leftist populist or is he a technocrat dressed up in leftist populist language?

Leftist populist for sure lol. Same ideological category as Bernie.

depends on if you’ve decided you hate him or not


It is an interesting question. We’re so accustomed to technocratic Dems being elitist that its hard to contemplate a technocrat who actually wants to help regular schmucks.

I think he’s clearly a technocrat (believes the educated specialized few should design society for the many) and he is populist only insofar as he would consider solutions that are not designed to help corporations first and people second.