Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

He is right. Nobody else would be allowed to ignite 11 billion dollars making 8-bit leg less avatars.

Don’t end up living in the street used to do it for me. That was aerospace though.

I’ve never known an Elon fanboy type who was a rock star programmer. I’ve known a shit-ton of Elon fanboy types who were godawful programmers.

Should be interesting.

Yeah this. I worked 60 hours/week for a year and a half because I was learning learning cutting edge stuff (for our industry) and I liked building something cool with my teammates, who were also working long hours.

Our bosses were smart enough to sense this dynamic and just stay the hell out of the way.

If our bosses ever once demanded we worked long hours, it would have destroyed morale and had the exact opposite effect they were looking for.

It used to piss me off when they’d tell us we could go home at 3pm on a holiday weekend. Fuck off. I’ll go home whenever I want to. I’ll stay here and work til midnight out of spite. Ha! Showed you!


Musk is lucky this is a historically bad time for tech employment.

What he’s done is basically the textbook way to ensure all your best talent flees, and the people with grim career prospects outside the company hang on for dear life.

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He seems to have actually kicked off a round of big tech layoffs.

Imagine you’ve been working at FB for a couple years and you’re thinking if you can just get to $400k-ish (or w/e), then put in a few more years after that, you can quit and start your artisanal sheep cheese farm or w/e.

And now you’re back out here scrounging for $150k/year with the rest of us shlubs.

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this would absolutely work because this fucking moron is 100% reading his mentions and vanity searching his own name

I’m guessing he has an inner circle of troll fanboys with DM access who alert him to these things as well.

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SNAP sucks. The one company I’ve ever seriously thought about shorting. But I still wasn’t nuts about the risk of them tripling up before eventually going busto.

Yeah I don’t get Snapchat at all. I guess they survive on the teen demographic alone. Will be interesting if they can age up their juvenile base.

Seems like teens use it mostly because they can CYA when they do juvenile things and there is not a permanent record.

Snap doesn’t make money on nudes. They have a tab (I forget what it’s called) that shows you different channels that are compilations of various mini videos with ads injected every 5 videos or so. I assume they’re still crazily overvalued but they do have some sort of money-making mechanism: sucking bored phone users into compilations of Fail videos or Bikini videos and serving them ads along the way.

Plus whatever they’re doing with our data.

There is nothing harder than keeping teens entertained or staying cool with teens. Ask Abercrombie & Fitch.

I always thought something would replace SNAP. Something replacing TikTok I’m not as confident in. It seems like it could have staying power, especially since it’s not just teens.

This is why Dems are reluctant to put their eggs in the youth vote basket.

Well they’ve got a good hold on the 18-29 voter right now. They need to maximize it.

Yet another good thing that’s come out of this inflection point midterm imo. Dem strategists will actually pay attention to the 18-29 vote, not just brush them aside because they don’t vote in any kind of numbers. Yes Dems suck, but they have survival instinct.

The % of young people voting has been trending upwards for a while now and really seems to have popped this election. This is as unequivocally a good thing as you’re going to get in 2022.

My generation was sure nothing mattered and all candidates were Kodos and Kang. Gen Z has a lot more to worry about, and they grew up with active shooter drills. Imagine the conversations with the parents, “Mommy why do we have to do that? Because some people’s hobby is more important than your life.” That will stay with you.


literally 90% of IT work is asking people if they restarted something if its not working, them saying yes of course they did, you restarting it and it magically started working.

The other 9% is someone failing to read and comprehend directions properly.

1% of the time there’s an actual problem with underlying issues that needs to be fixed.


What about googling a relevant stack overflow question? That’s a high % imo.


Unceileable that there are actual contexts where PhDs get to make fun of undergrad gegrees. California really is a bizzaro world.

I still don’t know if this is a word I don’t know or a typo.

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Looks like unbelievable to me

Ah yeah that’s it. My brain was only trying unreliable.