Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

No, but anyone who does is free to PM me.

Is he not already? I thought for sure he would have gotten himself this role in the future-past.

juxtapose elon’s behavior with this memo zuck released to his staff on recent layoffs:

He admits he made a mistake and laid out what the mistake was and takes responsibility. While zuck is a completely unethical and vile business person, he does seem like a decent if not very good manager, and this is something a good manager would do. Disparaging, mocking, and publicly firing people via twitter is not something any successful executive would do and I think nearly anyone who has any management experience whatsoever would agree. that company is mega mega fucked.

Hard to say Zuck is in any way a good manager and during my time as a corporate employee nothing annoyed me more than hearing some executive say “I take full responsibility” when the actual negative consequences of their mistakes are felt by thousands of people who are laid off or denied bonuses but not by themselves.

That said, anyone who is not a Trump / Kanye level narcissist is going to look very human and sympathetic when compared to what Musk is doing. At this point it’s basically a caricature of juvenile behavior and complete lack of empathy that would be hard to believe if it wasn’t out there for the public to see in his twitter posts.


I am basing this off of meta’s success over the years and what I know about how internally meta is structured and from talking to engineers that work there - they seem to actually really enjoy it and I get the sense there is a very “engineer” centric view at meta, compared to elon’s view that they’re apparently easily replaceable code monkeys. I’d way rather work for zuckerberg, zero % chance for elon.

for instance, when I told my friend I’d never be a good candidate for how much I despise zuckerberg, he told me there’s internal public channels entirely devoted to roasting him, he doesn’t care. can you imagine what elon would do?

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You’re probably right. I have one real life friend who is affected by the Meta layoffs and she has nothing but positive things to say about her time there and the colleagues and working environment. So there’s that

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I don’t disagree with you really, I’m just talking like, call zuckerberg what you will but I do not think he is a fraud, like at all, he’s scary competent if anything else. I’ve just been finding it funny to compare the two people lately.

there’s a funny question now being mused on twitter like “if elon can pull this off, is this the end of high tech salaries as we know it? will the engineers stop holding us hostage finally?”

like there’s a reason these roles draw such huge salaries. the disparity between a very capable engineer and even an average one can be as high as 1000x. There’s an entire mega industry that revolves around attracting and retaining this kind of talent, and big companies like twitter have spent a lot of time and money accumulating this talent.

Running large global websites isn’t anything like building govt subsidized cars or rockets. in a lot of ways, weirdly, it’s more complicated, I think. in any case he severely, severely underestimated the work involved in running a site like this. I heard he laid off the entire infra team. that combined with his tweet on microservices leads me to believe he’s either massively trolling (doubtful considering the amount of money involved) or he’s completely in over his head and that site has a matter of months before it’s unusable.

What does “takes responsibility” mean exactly?

For egomaniacs, the act of apologizing is the Ultimate Sacrifice.


I mean, he could get fired by the board if they deem it necessary, I think acknowledging that you made a big mistake and what actions you’re taking to correct it, and understand its consequences is all you can do in that spot? other than resign, I’m not sure what else other than make sure the layoffs are done in a compassionate way with generous severance, which I don’t doubt will happen.

lol at these slurping bootlickers


“I take responsibility” from senior managers whose pay increases is the “your call is important to us” of corporate America.


You don’t think he should be fired? He admits that he is responsible for putting the company in a position where it lost so much money that it has to lay off 11,000 or however many people, shouldn’t he be the first one to go?

Is this real? If so, she’s totally about to be fired by tweet, right?

if i were on that board I’d vote to fire him, I have been harshly critical of this meta move since like day 1

he appoints the board, he has the majority of shares that actually have voting rights

oh right. lol. well, nevertheless



I mean, it’s a real tweet but that person does not work at twitter