Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


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Honestly cant wait until the Supreme Court spikes Section 230 at this point. Maybe a return to the world with media gatekeepers and where every idiot doesnt just get to air their viewpoint to a worldwide forum is just the breathe of fresh air that society needs.


Gotta admit that dems helping pass 230 only to be rewarded with a new pizzagate every day is pretty funny


Firing sales people. Bold move!

I really feel like this is all going to end in disaster for Musk. I don’t see how he turns this around to make the debt payments. It’s a matter of time before he tweets some heinous shit that pisses off advertisers.

Go and and hit me with the sweetsummerchild.

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finally a good idea. Vine was funny.


This is correct, BTW


Is that (having no directors) even legal for a public company? or did he take it private?

I feel like it’s not going end in enough of a disaster.

Private company now imo. But I’m curious how it’s organized. My company is an S-Corp and I know we need officers, not sure about directors. Might be more correct to say it has one director: Musk.

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Does anyone have good info on who the private shareholders are other than Musk? The Directors are ostensibly there to protect shareholders, it’s got to be a bit concerning for them that the last line of defense for the shareholders is now a single Underdeveloped Overconfident Man-Child. I don’t think a lot of corporate governance text books recommend that as the optimal composition of a Board of Directors.

Musk should be more or less immune from bad outcomes by nature of being a White Rich Asshole In America, but if he somehow manages to piss off the Saudis by losing a bunch of their money then he may find the One Weird Trick that makes White Rich Assholes in America suffer an actual consequence.

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don’t know whether this is a new thing or not, whether it’s a bug or what, but I’m unable to view tweets labeled as “sensitive”, and there is nothing in my settings where I can change it. hilariously when I click the link on the tweet in-app to change my settings, it opens Twitter‘s native web browser and tries to log me into Twitter through there, fucking lol. I’m literally already authenticated in the app!

Quick google says that Twitter is incorporated in Delaware, and single member boards seem to be ok under DE law (it says they must consist of one or more members).

Delaware Code Online.

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also one of my joke/parody accounts which follows essentially no one, its notifications are full of elon tweets now, what a fucking narcissist

Wow, Nate is verified!


I was thinking this too. The checkmark thing indicates that he fundamentally doesn’t understand the nature of this business. It’s basically the Trump presidency in a big tech co.

IDK what people’s experience with corporate America is in ITT, but cutting 25-50% of a workforce spread somewhat evenly across an org (not just a division) equates to absolutely gutting a company. All sorts of standard business functions will just fall apart.


It’s standard operating procedure for egomaniac assholes to think that all the operational stuff is a waste of time done by stupid people.

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He already has.