Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

So is he offering to buy it for more or less now?

Original price.

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Yeah, I’ll believe this when it’s done. If this sails through I will be beyond shocked.

Maybe he suddenly doesn’t care about the price because he got new financial support from somewhere. Which other super-rich dude could benefit from this?

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A conspiracy-minded person might connect the dots between this and his newfound support for Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

He’s probably just pushing buttons tho, tbqh.


I don’t have high credence in many conspiracy theories, even the ones I come up with. Someday one of them will turn out to be true though.

Epstein absolutely did not kill himself

Remember how he was recruiting killer lawyers with great trial experience via twitter. LOL

Lawyers can sometimes organize to clean up messes but they can’t unring bells.

Unstuck Stock Thread: LOL Elon, TWTR hasn’t been able to be profitable in 16 years of existence, and this clown is dropping $40+ billion into it. How’s he think he’s gonna make it profitable?

Elon: Hey Vlad, how much would you pay for free reign for all your Twitter bots? Yeah sure, I’ll say some shit about Crimea!

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The issue here isn’t the lawyers - Musk’s team is two of the best big law firms in the US. The issue has always been Musk never really had a case and likely has been making things worse by forcing his legal team to take aggressive and unsupported positions which appears to be annoying the judge.

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Again the second TFG tweets (or something similar happens) I am deleting my account and will go wherever the next thing is, and it will absolutely come.

So we are supposed to believe he just gave up? Didn’t even try to pay a few billion less? No way, stay tuned.

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Not sure what “adjourned” means. It’s not uncommon for even “settled” cases to be stayed pending completion of some event (such as conclusion of the buyout), where they can move forward if the event doesn’t occur.

Is there anyway he ends up financially ruined a result of all this? That’s the best possible outcome obviously.

I guess it’s conceivable that TSLA crashes like 75%, the board of TSLA eventually forces him out for doing something stupid on Twitter while power tripping, he loses a bunch of money on Twitter, and is down to like 25-50 billion. Then he’d have to find a way to blow all of that.

He was nearly ruined at one point before some government contracts came in at the last minute to save him… He seems rash and dumb enough to pull it off, but it’s still super unlikely. It’s gotta be damn near impossible to go from $250 billion to $0.

I don’t think he’ll be accountable to any board, no? He’ll be the owner, not just the CEO.

I could maybe see an endgame where he makes Twitter publicly traded again and then washes his hands of it, but it’s not like that kind of loss would be even all that meaninful to him, which is crazy.

If you take 10,000 people who have immense privilege and wealth to begin with, and they all just live life in the most reckless possible manner, most end up disgraced and/or broke but a few will keep luckboxing their way into being Donald Trump or Elon Musk. This does not make them smart or unique, just lucky.

The board of TSLA could force him out, right? Not TWTR.

The board of Tesla is a complete joke and completely subservient to Musk.

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