Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

How did the pieces grow hair?

The walls are layers of carbon fiber and it looks like everything that didn’t have those metal stiffeners burned up on reentry.

Looks like one of those fins got torn loose. Carbon fiber does that.

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I would never touch or get close to any of that stuff.

I was just thinking, “Is carbon fiber going to be the new asbestos in 50 years time?”

I’m not sure where to put this, but here seemed as good as anywhere else.

I don’t get it.

Product testing. Can of clams is probably close to a phone.


Makes a lot of sense and now that I read some replies I see that called out. Definitely weird looking, but not like the cans are open :face_vomiting:


This has to be fun for the twitter lawyers.


He didn’t try to purchase it straight up as an individual did he? He has some corporate structure he owns buying it right?

In before Joe rogan and Ron desantis texts.

From elsewhere on the internet. Loved the metaphor.

"Imagine this whole ordeal playing out on a house that was not listed for sale.

The buyer starts harassing the homeowner to sell to them, they say no, so he buys up the mortgage lender and tries to force a sale. His antics are hurting the home’s value so you relent to selling and give him an as-is sale contract, which he signs and gives you 24 hrs to respond or he will try to force a sale.

All the while, this is of course taking your attention away from your day job and costing you countless thousands in legal bills.

Then, soon after signing the contract, the housing market crashes and the buyer claims he peaked in the window and it doesn’t look as nice as he imagined (even though he had previously been publicly announcing that your house was crappy on the inside and that he was going to buy it and fix it up) and so he wants to break the deal.

You sue to make the deal go through, he countersues that you misrepresented.

Who could possibly be on the side of the buyer?"


Well, if the buyer is a giant asshole bully then the apparently millions upon millions of people that want nothing more in life than to line up behind a bully and cheer him on in his bullying.

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The only problem with this analogy is that Twitter is also an awful corporation that has done awful stuff and is partially responsible for the mess we are currently in (although facebook bears more of the blame certainly). So, this is one of those “you hate to see it” situations, where all sides suck.

Maybe keep your analogy exactly the same, except the homeowner is a hood-wearing member of the ku klux klan.

I’m sorry this is just not a very smart man.

Is “I challenge you to a public debate” the douchiest thing a person can possibly say or is it just top 5?

“hereby” gives strong douche chills more than anything else


Isn’t he already having this public debate in the Delaware courts?


Can it be a real debate if it’s not on YouTube?

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