Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

It would be an amazing idea to set up a hedge fund or something to hire a lot of M&A experts/Matt Levine readers and then make bank off on all these obvious mispricings in M&A deals. I can’t believe no one has thought of this yet!

Im told that Elon is a big fan of people coming in to work when they have COVID.

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And Elon loses round 1 as predicted.

Who are they?

Thats Ari Emanuel hosing off Elon Musk. JFC

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He’s going to lose all the rounds right up until he plays the “Fuck you, no” card. That’ll be after round 16 or 17.

Thanks. Elon looks a lot older and fatter than I had thought.

Does this actually work here? All Twitter needs from Musk is $44B. If a court decides I owe someone money they have several tools they can use to get it from me even if I do everything in my power to not pay. I’ve never actually heard of anyone avoiding a court judgment unless they just don’t have the assets to pay it, and Musk clearly does.

Having billions of dollars turns out to be great for creating a fictional image of yourself in the public eye.

Or, like Bezos, just actually physically re-creating yourself. Obviously, in non-bodily aspects, Bezos does above as well.

Bold strategy, Cotton!

Yeah, so the court isn’t going to be able to seize a bank account worth $44 billion or garnish his wages for $44 billion like they would if you owed someone money. I guess they can order his tesla shares seized? But part of “fuck you, no,” is also never-ending appeals and legal maneuvers so that never happens anyway.

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Twitter’s going to have to end up sending these guys to confront Elon on the way out of court to take the money he has on him and call shit even


Idk, google reverse image search and lens told me one of those guys is Tom Hanks

I believe the ultimate remedy would be to charge him with criminal contempt.

Also a middle aged Henry Winkler


I didn’t think it was possible to be whiter than me, but Elon has somehow pulled it off.