Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company



Now try not picturing that threesome in your head.

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Movies (and occasionally face slaps)

Well, the HoF just let in Rolen and McGriff, so I guess that passes for A-list these days.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Movies (and occasionally face slaps)

Moved the ATJ discussion to movie thread, since it seems like it’s starting to be derail (not that that’s a bad thing, just thought it made more sense there).

Feel like this move would have been much more helpful if done before Elno drove off lots of advertisers.

It’ll probably further incentivize extreme shit for the sake of eyeballs, propped up by ridiculous ads. Can’t wait to see My Pillow everywhere

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Right - but that just ensures the death spiral keeps going. People are going to be competing for an ever diminishing pool of revenue; causing them to post crazier stuff, further shrinking that revenue pool.

It’s also going to lead to more RWNJ complaining to Musk about being shadowbanned, etc. and him doing even more dumb stuff, again causing that revenue pool to shrink.


Great. What twitter needs is even more make reply engagement driving tweets.

“Don’t forget to tell me your favorite color in your reply.”

“I am giving five dollars away to one lucky replier!”

total vindication! witch hunt! thank you!




Getting a lot of this when people are dunking on RW dipshits.

But open the thread and it’s there.

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Yeah what’s up with that? Is it a setting that the RW dipshits can set?

Is it because they are making their accounts private to “avoid the shadowban?”

Edit: to be clear, this is Elon pushing Ukraine disinformation. Not related to the earthquake in Turkey.

Re “The quoted tweet is unavailable” thing:

Probably not but I thought it might be Elon shielding his friends.

I do my company’s IT and he sounds like me communicating with my employees when I changef/fix something. It’s a really inefficient use of my time (the IT), but I do it anyway for a few bad reasons. Why is Elon Musk doing it?

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