Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hail to the Thief

I’ll go with same height. Have prob 1” on me.


Topped out at 6’ but have condensed down to a solid 5’11 3/4"…

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Got home and I did a better measurement and I think I lost that half inch.

was thinking about canada just replying to trump how the last time us invaded canada went and United States Secretary of War John Armstrong Jr. insisted that the British were going to attack Baltimore rather than Washington, even as British army and naval units were on their way to Washington.

even in 1814 you had the same dumbasses who refuse to believe the thing that is clearly going on.

We’re fuckin’ wierd (and I love it), looking forward to UP penis size poll.

A message board filled with people oblivious to their own privilege also bragging about their height privilege is priceless.

You all have a lot in common with the UHC CEO and his killer.

That really hurt

Nah my dad was 5’11 1/2" on his driver’s license but always claimed to be 6 foot tall and he’s been dead for 15 years.

I’m 1.87m at last measurement which is 73.6 inches

So 6’2"

I’m 1.87 too according to my passport, but suspect I might be 1.86. Haven’t measured in a long time obviously.

I put 6’1 in the poll, but maybe I could and should round up.

What’s up w the 5’9 folks? Drop from 10% at 5’10 to 6% … that’s where the inflation is happening

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Women liking tall men has been a thing since back in the day when Bogart had to wear 3-inch platform shoes. I wold guess a combo of women being more empowered, dating apps widening the dating pool, and dating apps displaying height info means men are feeling more pressure to hit that magical 6’ target.

Also, male insecurity in general seems to be metastasizing and height insecurity is one outlet for that.


Your last point is highly relevant. The manosphere types pretend to offer male empowerment, but they feed on and amplify male insecurities to get their traction.


It’s too bad us men are too stupid to recognize this “manosphere” for what it is: bullshit probably started by marketers trying to sell more cologne.

Ok, all this talk, I had to know. Just measured, and I’m 5’ 11.5", so in a court of law I can still say 6’ and not be perjuring myself.

I’m 5’11" and I feel kind of tall in NM but every time I go to Chicago, it feels like all the dudes tower over me.

I’m 6’4" (probably lost half an inch from my peak), my older son is 6’6". The doc told my younger son at one of his annual checkups that he was done growing when he was 6’1" and the kid was legit DEVASTATED for WEEKS.

He’s 6’3" now, but we still call him “short king”



Just want to say that I am very tall.