Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Must be Nauta.


Pic from wikipedia Walt Nauta - Wikipedia

Excuse me he was charged in a serious crime, lets use his whole name.

Ha. But I feel sorry for the guy. Afaik heā€™s just a random dude who got taken in by a bullshit artist.


prison suit guy :heart_eyes:

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Canā€™t the court just force some bigshot to do it? Iā€™ve definitely seen that move on TV before.

But in real life, I know that when there is some high-profile trial, busto defendants donā€™t get stuck with public defenders. They somehow (and Iā€™m not sure how) end up getting blue chip attorneys. For some reason I have it in my head that this is done to avoid bullshit ineffective assistance claims later. But Iā€™ve got no idea. Anyone want to enlighten me?

It depends on the case, but itā€™s often some combination of

A) Big attorney accepts little or no money because they believe in the cause and/or they think taking on this case will help them get other lucrative cases down the road

B) Defendant is able to get money for defense from a rich person who takes an interest in the case or some sort of crowd-sourced legal defense fund.

The most recent example that comes to mind is the Boston Marathon bombing. How did the defendants get the representation that they got? I donā€™t think they were represented by standard public defenders and Iā€™m not sure if A or B above applies. Did one of them apply?

Melania was getting her hair done while Donald was in court. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that.

Dzhohkar Tsarnaev was assigned a team of federal public defenders. One of them was Judy Clarke, a notable opponent of the death penalty who ends up defending a lot of horrible people facing potential capital punishment, like Susan Smith, Eric Rudolph, and the Unabomber.

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Building on what @NotBruceZ said, in the Marathon case, it falls under principle. She defends ā€œthe worst of the worstā€ based on opposition to the death penalty.

Long read if you want more insight on her motivations


I skimmed Clarkeā€™s wikipedia page and it says she was a public defender, but now is in private practice with her husband. Maybe I misunderstood something there.

If you ever think modern Trump impressions are over the top:

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Trump has one shot. If he can just find out which Cinnabun heā€™s working at nowā€¦


For those that donā€™t know of her, thereā€™s a great New Yorker long form about her.

The Worst of the Worst | The New Yorker

Edit - ponied by @Bigoldnit - funny that New Yorker and VF had long forms near the same time.

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My ambitious prediction is that at some point in the trial Trump decides to forgo counsel and represent himself.


I would dance naked in the streets every day to see that.