Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

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Will be closing the indictment poll soon, judging by the Trump thermometer.

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Got him status: We




he wonā€™t ever spend any time in jail, but just like the courts drag out these cases against regular people just to fuck with their livelihoods, this GREATEST WITCHHUNT OF ALL TIME has my FULL AND COMPLETE ENDORESEMENT!!!

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From what Iā€™ve heard, meetings like this between prosecutors and defense attorneys arenā€™t unusual but lol at involving DOJ leadership.

Trumpā€™s lawyers had previously requested a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland but neither he nor Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco were expected to attend the Monday meeting.

I smell Matty Squids and Squids Jr on this one

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Iā€™m hearing rumors on the ā€œInternetā€ that DoJ has ā€œinformallyā€ offered to not press charges if One of the Greatest Presidentā€™s Ever, Probably Better Than Lincolon, agrees to drop out of the race. A second condition is being negotiated, that he continues to mean truth Ronda Sanctus and every other Republican who hasnā€™t been sufficiently loyal. Who knows, it might be complete bullshit but Iā€™m hearing it.

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I mean, who here hasnt accidentally drained a pool into a server room before?


Would anyone here take that deal? It would suck and definitely wouldnā€™t be justice served, but him never being allowed in a position of political authority again might be a deal many would take

Snap call

And what do we do when he agrees and then pulls the ā€œfuck you noā€ strategy.


We donā€™t have to worry about it, because Trump himself would never ever ever in a billion years do anything that even obliquely resembles an admission of guilt or any implication he ever did anything less than perfect and amazing.

You really think heā€™s so psychopathically deranged that heā€™s unable to process the situation heā€™s in? I suppose it would make sense seeing as how many here donā€™t seem able to, but they arenā€™t as intimately involved

I can definitely see him spinning it as Iā€™ve decided not to run and put my beautiful family and supporters who love me through this. Or some variation of

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Are we drawing dead to the possible request and granting of no bail? Stone cold dead?

Fwiw I donā€™t think weā€™re drawing stone cold dead to DoJ refusing to press charges

Lol zero chance that happened he would just instantly go public with the offer


F Collins

AprĆØs moi, le dĆ©luge
-Donald J. Trump