Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He had a RC track and then a golf green. Can’t remember which came first.

I’ll pass. I live in Oklahoma so I’m trying to browse as much porn as I can while it’s still legal.


RC track first that he tore up for golf green. I remembered as seemed epic waste of time and effort, but I guess he was bored and had money to burn.

Isn’t that all of us?

Can guarantee that watching a Thin Man movie is a vastly better use of your time than listening to the rapey former president guy on CNN.

How much would you pay to PPV tonight’s town hall if you knew Trump was going to take a cream pie to the face?

No conditions. No holds barred. Let’s go.

Lol they’re letting him run wild with rigged election nonsense

Truth Social type statement out of the gate. Rigged election. Stuffed ballot boxes. Sad. You stupid losers.

Just disgraceful they’re going to let this nonsense happen for another 2 years

“Undeclared voter” who voted for Trump in 2020 LOLOL


He’s literally being interrupted by clapping when he says the election was rigged

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Letting him openly espouse love for the insurrectionists now

The floodgate is open. He just dropped a dime on the audience for being J6ers.

“Crazy Nancy”

(Uproarious laughter)

He’s “pullling it out”.

What a disgrace.

Still the best to ever do it

Trump calls cop a thug.

He would do great numbers here.

I’m not surprised at all but good lord this is awful. How the fuck can CNN give him this forum.

“Mike Pence should have sent it back to the states”

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