Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

No rape, no rape, it was a perfect abuse. Just perfect.

But nobody will tell you that.

Tyler probably.

He was a playboy. Is Clooney a rapist now too?

I like animal videos. Hereā€™s one of a weasel.

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Sir, President Trump was just seen raping your wifeā€”do you stand by him?

Look, Iā€™ve been in meetings all day.


Not sure if serious but he really has done nothing because there is nothing he can do.

This is much broader than the Presidency, people give WAY too much credit to leaders of basically any large enterprise. People will attribute way more influence to leadership simply because they donā€™t want to confront the reality of how random things are. Itā€™s more comforting to imagine that leaders have total control.

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This is some good shit.

I thought a lot about what I would do if a law empowered me to seek justice against the men and women who violated me. Donā€™t think anything could be done about the stuff from my family when I was a kid, but some of the violations were by my brother when I was a disabled adult just a few years ago.

Feels like that would be opening the can of worms I was warned against opening whenever something happened, but maybe Carroll is the shift in paradigm for women to do more good than harm by speaking up about sexually violent people.


itā€™s not all the way down to 2-3% or whatever target, but coming down half way from peak in less than a year is basically as good as economic policy can hope for.


Do we have to hand it to the fed?

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Itā€™s one poll and from what I understand it targeted land line users. I donā€™t even know anyone with a personal landline number

Iā€™m not a Biden fan by any stretch and really wish theyā€™d nominate someone else, but I think these polls are going to way under estimate gen Z again

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Should have raised rates earlier, and not as much of late imo.


And maybe guillotine anyone pulling down 8 figure bonuses for increasing profits in 2022-23.


TCM has a Thin Man marathon on tonight, in case anyone needs to watch something besides the CNN town hall.

I donā€™t know. What amount of the drop is due to interest rates slowing things down and what amount is due to supply chains and resource constraints naturally unwinding since COVID? The report did mention that wage increases are still high and that seems like what the Fed is supposed to be trying to affect, so who knows? Maybe the interest rates increases arenā€™t doing much at all

Not sure how known this is, but at least the first two Thin Man movies are legitimately great and very funny.

That dude sucked ass on 2p2.

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I feel pretty confident he sucked ass wherever he was.

Yeah I really have no idea either, just seems like it worked itself out maybe?

Didnā€™t he have a cool race track in his back yard, or am I thinking of someone else?