Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Honestly, I’ve lost almost all faith in Garland. No matter how he proceeds from this point on, it’s clear that fear (and not justice) has been the primary influence in his decision making so far. That said, I also think he might be backed into a corner where he has no choice but to do his job

Fani Willis otoh, has no such problem and I long ago thought that GA would be the Trump gang’s biggest problem. I have every reason to believe that she’s working diligently and in good faith (unlike Garland) in doing her job. It’s my understanding that the judge will decide within the next couple of days on whether to keep the special grand jury report sealed. Once that’s decided on, I think Willis makes her decision with a month tops

She didn’t say outright that she will be bringing charges, but she phrased her arguments yesterday in such a way as to hint that it’s a very likely possibility. So :crossed_fingers:

But my main point was how likely it now seems that any president (or government official?) may have absconded with documents that they shouldn’t have. And it took a narcissistic brazen abuser of rules, laws, and norms like Trump, to reveal that there’s a problem with the system. That is perhaps one of the best things to come out of his presidency. He revealed many of the cracks and weaknesses in our government and institutions. Now the question is, will we fix them?

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However, if we’re talking about the actual serving of any sentence, then I think posthumously is a real possibility given the age of some of the likely defendants




“Absconded” implies knowing intent of wrong-doing. What Biden and Pence had is probably not that harmful to national security and highly unlikely to be intentional. We over-classify information and they are smart enough to recognize the truly harmful stuff. They’re not going to “abscond” with those things.

The problem with the system is that democracy requires super-majority support for democratic norms; the losing side has to accept losing. They’ve figured out that they can game the system by not obeying norms. Trump showed them that they don’t even have to pay lip service to those norms. The question is whether Democrats can find it within themselves to violate those same norms if necessary to prevent a conservative victory.


Return your library books, you scofflaw.


I of course agree about classified documents, but I feel a much bigger problem with the system than an adherence to, or willingness to go outside the norms, is our minority rule government. It’s ridiculous already

Just in time for his campaign. The loss of democracy is but a small price to pay for hits

At this point I think we can all agree Trump gets away with it, right?

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By all rights the lying thieving scumbag should go to prison but he skates for sure now. They should press congresspeople for documents too. Close to 100% Mitch and Ted et al. have a few things they’re not supposed to.

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LMFAO, let’s just have the head librarian ask gov’t officials nicely to not mishandle classified shit, amazing country we live in, 5/5.



Good summary here as well

Currently, the platform, which was founded by former president Donald Trump, is attracting ad dollars from “hucksters and fringe marketers” who are peddling products like Trump tchotchkes, gun accessories, and diet pills, the Times reported.

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes predicted that Truth Social would “displace” Big Tech platforms as a preferred advertising space.

The Times pointed to a YouTube video posted by online marketer Maxwell Finn, who claimed to be one of Truth Social’s top advertisers. Finn said in the video that he has spent over $150,000 on Truth Social and has invested in other right-wing-centric platforms. He confirmed that he was frustrated that he had to track his own ad performance on Truth Social—otherwise, he wouldn’t know if his ads were generating any sales at all.

Maybe that’s how you get your kicks joyboy


We got him