Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

On the other hand, if you’re a real a badass you can sleep on the job and people just admire you more.

Gordon Cooper not only slept in space (as planned, I think) but also during a countdown, which idk, seems like you wouldn’t want your guy to do.

Meanwhile from NBC

The judge said the hearing that he originally said would happen next Wednesday afternoon will now be held next Tuesday, April 23, at 9:30 a.m. ET.

I’m sleepy so I’m out for a while.


Schedule a hearing! WOW!

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Sometimes I like to think of myself as a bunny ears lawyer (figuratively speaking) but I realize that’s probably overstating things

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Sleepy don hiding in his basement wow we really have come full circle

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Trump complaining about not being able to attend Barron’s high school graduation


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He’s going to violate the gag order daily until the hearing what a fucking joke our legal system is

Did we get him?


Close! Nevertheless

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Alternately sleeping and laughing it up. I have to admit a certain sneaking admiration for Trump being such a disrespectful ass. If it was me, I would be more restrained if only out of fear of consequences.

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Approaching $100M spent on legal fees. You’d think he could find somebody to explain what it means to be a criminal defendant.

Who will explain for me, to my wonderful son, Barron, who is a GREAT Student at a fantastic School, that his Dad will likely not be allowed to attend his Graduation Ceremony, something that we have been talking about for years, because a seriously Conflicted and Corrupt New York State Judge wants me in Criminal Court on a bogus “Biden Case” which, according to virtually all Legal Scholars and Pundits, has no merit, and should NEVER have been brought. This Fake Case is solely meant to attack Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME, who is seriously leading him in the Polls, for purposes of Election Interference. The Judge, Juan Merchan, is preventing me from proudly attending my son’s Graduation. Seems very unfair, doesn’t it? But this whole event is unfair. Every one of the many Fake Cases that are perpetuated by the White House in order to help the Worst President in History, by far, get Re-Elected, are UNJUST SCAMS. We won’t let that happen, but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Donald Trump Truth Social 05:45 PM EST 04/15/24

Oh, wait. The judge already explained. But maybe he was asleep at the time.


A reporter needs to hit him with “what’s Barron’s birthday?”


Haberman gonna figure prominently in a post or two tonight.

Sadly I’m going to be forced to agree with like 90% of whatever Trump says about her


Better would be ask him how many people sit in house and senate. Zero chance he knows.

there was a 2010 poll where 40% of the country couldn’t name the current vice president

and you think Trump, a serial liar able to deflect any question asked to him by the media, is going to be stumped by the question “how many people are in congress”